Quotes & phrases

2024 BELOW

October 2024

08 -
Me: what’s going on with your sinuses?
Her, sniffling: sorrow and grief.

01 - “I just love you so much.” -a 5-year old, throwing his arms around his mom in the tightest embrace you’ve ever seen, no context, just a random hug and statement of fact. I don’t think she minded.

September 2024

28 - “All of my dreams are usually scary and sad. Or about LEGOs. Well…my sad ones are usually about LEGOs. My scary ones are about Grinch or our cat chasing me. There’s one specific part in the live action Grinch where Mr Grinch picks up an apple and does a really scary smile. It still scares me. That’s why I don’t like the live action Grinch. -a 7-year old, calmly assessing and reflecting on his dreams and fears.

20 - “Technically, it’s good for your work, Daddy: taking pictures. You’ll be teaching, and we’ll be learning about details - many details - in nature, and you can work at the same time by taking pictures of us in nature!” - a 7-year old making a very compelling case for going into the woods with them to explore and look for praying mantises and beetles. He made his case successfully.


11 - How many days is it until Christmas? I’m just wondering because I really want to watch Home Alone. We haven’t watched it for…days. - a 4-year old, pausing his frenetic day of activities to ponder the calendar


22 -My six favorite animals are turtle, flamingo, sea horse, deer, rabbit, and…salamander. -a 4-year old boy


22 - I don’t usually dream, but when I do, it’s usually arguing with Mama about food. -our precious 13-year old boy, who has a few opinions and preferences about almost everything.


18 - What should I save up for: a doll, a phone, or going to LEGO Land? - a 7-year old who manages his money well already.

March 2024

11 - “I have a lot of work to do. Can you make worship fast?” -a 4-year old who leads a very full life.

February 2024

23 - He looks around with a deep and satisfied smile, accompanied by a gigantic smile as he surveys his work for the month, arranged lovingly all around -all around - the living room: “Aah, I have way too many LEGO creations.” -a 7-year old

Do you mind if I stretch my legs out? My knees are sore and I’m in pain. I know I’m sounding like Grandpa. That probably sounds a little weird because we have very different knee situations. -a 13-year old, drawing comparisons across generations.

06 - I compliment our 13-year old on his handshaking.
Him: Thanks, I learned how to give a good one from you…tube. I’ve got a lot of my education from there.

January 2024

29 - Hey daddy, may I ask you two questions? First, may we watch PBS Kids, and second, may I have ten cents? - a 4-year old, asking on behalf of both him and his 7-year old brother. It is clearly a matter they have been discussing previous to his request, and he was elected (or appointed) as spokesperson.

23 - Students aren’t learning to measure anymore. They have no idea. - Mrs B———-, a middle school math teacher

2023 BELOW

December 2023

15 -It would be funny if I got a football scholarship without you guys knowing. I might retire around 35 after I get a football job. - our 13-year old, lying on the couch after watching the first ten minutes of Joyeaux Noel on a Friday night.

12 - I’m attracted to this! I’m very attracted to this rug! - a 6-year old as he’s cutting out pieces of paper for a collage, in reference to the small piece he’s lovingly assembling.

11- Daddy! When I try to make my bed my tummy hurts! -a 6-year old grumbling about me expecting him to make his bed to an acceptable level of competence.

November 2023

27 - Don’t worry, I’m just roller skating before bed. Trust me, if you hear a giant crash, it’s just me slipping. - a 6-year old who is speaking very literally and accurately about what is happening and what is about to happen.

September 2023

a 4-year year old making sure his mom knows something important:
Hey Mommy…just to make sure, you know I love you.
Becca: Well thank you, I love you too!
Him: I already know that.

Quizzing a 4-year old on Presidents. Made it through the first two.
Who’s the third President? I asked.
His hand leaps up from the back seat: I know! Thomas Hanks!

Quizzing a 4-year old on Presidents. Made it through the first one.
Who was the second President? I asked.
His hand shoots up: John…Heder?

I’m starving and homeless can I please have a lollipop for energy?
-a weary 6-year old with a giant grin

August 2023

I would actually like to have my Grandpa’s truck. I’d sit in it and eat nuts.
-a 6-year old pondering life and what possessions would truly bring contentment and happiness

June 2023

08 - Ok Becca you can do this. I just feel like I’m in a fuzzy fog that’s…fuzzy, like fog.
Becca, speaking to herself while a very loud version of (normal) life happens all around her

April 2023

19 - Can you not breathe so close to me please? 15yo to 6yo brother (in fairness, the latter is on the end stages of a sniffly cold)

02 - a 6-year old explaining life to his 3-year old brother:

Goodwill is basically a place where they have a bunch of weird dresses.

They’re like little red vitamins for adults -explaining what hot tamales are

02 - my wife’s review of Avatar: Way of Water:
I enjoyed it. It’s like…a whole different world.
-Countess Becca

May 2023

05 - There’s enough creamer for you to enjoy one cup. Merry Christmas. -anonymous mother at 6.45 in the morning in her underwear

March 2023

25 - Teachers will be held to a higher standard. -James 3:1

16 - If the test is ‘write an equation’ and you just give me the answer, you fail. Writing an equation is a big deal. - a 7th grade math teacher

09 - When I grow up I want to be a kangaroo and plant weeds. - a 3-year old making career plans

09 - Something that’s very special to me are my camouflage shorts and camouflage shirt. - a 3-year old talking about his favorite things

03 - I don’t want to do it on the board, it’s embarassing!” - a 7th grade math student

February 2023

I am DONE with little boys.
- a 15-year old, weary of her younger brothers as sounds of wailing and quarreling come down the hall at 8.23am on a Tuesday

14 - I like waffles more than pancakes. Well…I mostly actually like butter and syrup. - a 3-year old boy’s post-breakfast assessment

13 - You made me laugh so hard I pooped my pants a little bit! - anonymous 6-year old to his older sister

09 - I had a lot of dreams. Like, one of them was about a bullfrog. - a 6-year old’s first words after waking up

09 - I want to get one of those cars old men get. What are they called? Sports cars? With the hours and and the ruuumpphhh sound. Yeah, I’ll probably get one of those for my first car. Or a truck. -a 12-year old with a strong understanding of finance and money

09 - Whenever I hear this song it makes me think ‘top down, summer!’ - Starbucks barista as Oasis’s Wonderwall plays

09 - Have you ever been stuck in quicksand? - a 6-year old’s second words after waking up, directed to his 15-yo sister

06 - Can you put spicy mangoes in my lunch? - a 6-year old’s first words after waking, directed to his mom

January 2023

05 - Daaaady, if I clean my room real quick, can I have a real pocketknife? - a 3-year old in negotiation mode

02 - I’d like to do more hiking this year. You need…a backpack, a flashlight, and shoes. - a 6-year old, casually announcing his hopes for the year ahead

You know what I want for next Christmas? A boiling pot of tofu, 15 pickles, and a giant piece of candy. - the same 6-year old, dreamily planning ahead. way ahead.

-his younger 3yo brother: You know what I want for Christmas? A real phone and a real iPad.

2022 below

December 2022

31 - If anybody’s interested in watching, I’ll be streaming a live five minute video of my playing a chess match.” - our 12-year old son, to an audience with slightly-less interest in chess-watching as a sport than he might like.

08 - regarding tipping and commissions in classes that involve variables and equations

“I’m not going to pay $8 for a coffee and then 30% tip…I have to watch my husband or he’ll pay the full price all over again in a tip!” - a math teacher

“My realtor, she - I can say ‘she’ because mine is a she. She…” - a teacher explaining a concept and providing a helpful aside.

08 - “I don’t think you should give your allegiance to anything unless you understand what you’re giving allegiance to.” - an early-50s World Studies teacher

02 - I wasn’t expecting to like this cereal, and I don’t. -6-year old at breakfast, in reference to peanut butter cereal

November 2022

A 3-year old told me about his sleeping patterns: “When it’s dark then I don’t usually dream on those days, but when it’s a little light and a little dark then on those nights then I dream about mirrors.”

The same 3-year old emits a noise that is startling in its decibelism, but hastens to quickly explain what happened: “I’m not poopy. It was just a toot.”

I just need to take a break from Jesus once in a while. Jesus prob needs a vacay too. -partway through a discussion about a lot of things with someone who lives in my namesake town

August 2022

I can hardly believe it! My brother found a giant cricket, and I am getting very sweaty!
-Es, a 3-year old, bursting inside to inform us he bends over dry hot ground, scratchy tall grass, looking for grasshoppers, crickets, and other amazing creatures of the ground.

25 Totally different thing.
Are you picking your nose? I asked.
- No, the 3-year old replied, I’m just getting a boogie out with my finger.

Why did you let us have candy? It can make you sick and make you die. Why did you let us eat candy? -a 3-year old questioning why his father would let him eat something so unhealthy

No matter how late it is, if we’re watching a movie with Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds, Mama will stay awake for it. - the wise observations of her 15-year old daughter

July 2022

04 - I got some napkins so we’ll have some to use at home.’ - a 5-year old, holding a fistful at a restaurant

May 2022

An interchange between two individuals, one of whom was double-checking to make sure all hands were sanitized. The other’s response to the query of ‘are your hands dirty?’ His reply: ‘Not extraordinarily so.’

April 2022

09 - Oh, I forgot to tell you: I’ve been thinking about Easter all day long. -a 5-year old to his older brother, from out of the blue.

02 - So you know what I want for Christmas? A pet bee. I would make a home for it, and feed it, and let it run around. That’s all I want. -a 6-year old making wish lists for a holiday that is just around the corner

March 2022

coming soon

February 2022

I don’t understand why adults get to snack on stuff like coffee all morning like, and kids hardly get anything.
-Anonymous 11-year old

Can we please go to the library and can I get a lot of books?
-a five-year old boy who likes the library and likes books and makes my heart happy

01 - “I love you more than a pink rubber dolphin!”
- a 6-year old to Becca as she’s leaving for work

January 2022

coming soon


November 2021

Oh, we took our dog to the vet and he’s officially just overweight, not obese.
-Jeremy M. Long, 27

October 2021

I think I’ve decided instead of working, I’m going to quit. It’s probably better for them to receive the news on a Sunday.
-Lanessa Long, 25, relating to a copywriting gig

Do not cry about little things. - the wisdom of an 11-year old, conveyed to his 4-year old brother concerning disenchantment over eating soup for supper. This is not a statement or idea that has been conveyed or encouraged by this 11-year old’s parents. But sometimes they develop their own life philosophies.

July 2021

03 - Can we find one of those historical things where somebody with an accent is talking about Bible things? Those just let me settle in and slip off to sleep so peacefully. Can we find one to watch? -my wife, after a river outing on a weekend morning)

May 2021

15 - I miss Las Vegas. You can live anywhere in the world and still call it home.
-a 13-year old girl

29 - It would be fun to go to a game here. Not so much for the football. For the food and drinks. I like going to sports stuff. Not so much for the sports. For the food.
- our 13-year old daughter at Griz Stadium in Missoula, Montana, explaining her love for sports…stuff.

April 2021

23 - Daddy! The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 is on Hulu!
-a 4-year old sitting in front of the computer, deejaying on Spotify; mostly his uncle, J.M. Long)

23 - Does this dance look like Sia? I think I’m going to dress like Sia today. Does she wear clean underwear? - a 4-year old inquiring about wardrobe and activities for the day. My response to his two questions was an emphatic Yes.

21 - Just a minute, I just need to change out of my Theater clothes, then I’ll come box with you.
13-year old daughter to 10-year old son. My fave sentence today.

March 2021

Me, reading Ted and Fred to a 4-year old: Would you rather go snow skiing or ice skating?
Him: considers thoughtfully. Umm, I would have to say I would choose…both.

Do you remember when we went on that windy hike? We saw a black dog and its name was Olive. I REALLY want to get a black dog. I like black dogs. I might want a baby horse if it could talk. If it couldn’t, then I’d just want a baby cow.
-a 4-year old with vivid remembrances of things happened and things imagined

Someday I’d like to upgrade to an iPad in bed.
-Becca in bed, trying to watch Ted Lasso on my phone

WHOA, this is very sparkly!

- a 4-year old drinking Fanta, courtesy of his generous uncle, for the first time

February 2021

Me : Becca made a really good breakfast this morning.
A brother: I wish my wife would make me breakfast. Or just wake up.

January 2021

09 - Big boys give their sisters kisses! And they don’t wipe them off!
-13-year girl to her 4-year old brother


December 2020

You have got to stop getting up so early. You are going to die young because you are not getting enough sleep. -a wise older sister to her 10-year old brother. Note: by “early,” she means…in the 4 to 5am range. So yeah, early.

A brother, 35, lounging in kitchen in bathrobe at noon: I’m sleepy.
Our dad - Lee Long - 67, lounging with purpose: Not sleepy. Stupor. You’re in a stupor.

November 2020

My main concern with COVID is for our frail little father. 
-Jeremy M. Long, 27, speaking with deadpan face

October 2020

We’re out of cornflakes?! Aah! I like the sound of cornflakes when I’m eating my cereal!
- a disgruntled three year old at 7 am

Whoa Daddy, you are very strong!
- a three year old, in response to my moving a chair across the room

June 2020

Sorry, I was sitting on my red potty and some pee splashed up on my nose. Sorry!
-a 3-year old articulating the exact same thing every single one of us has thought internally a thousand times and never had the courage to speak aloud…right?

Proud of you, Jos. You’ve got fire inside you like...like an incinerator.
-Becca to me, in reference to my writings on NextDoor about BLM and civil rights protests

May 2020

I’ve found quite a few uses for microwaves. I’m a very temperature-specific person.
-Jeremy M. Long, 27, in the context of talking about reheating coffee

Hey guys, my cat is a little bit pregnant, and is probably going to have her babies today or tomorrow. 
-my 6-year old nephew

Do you have a knife on you? Or can you break this apple in half with your bare hands for the horse? You can? Oh good. I knew there was a reason I married you.
-Becca to me

I like a lot of different music. All types of genres: dance, umm, electronic…dubstep…I like all the genres.
-one of our son’s 4th grade classmates

March 2020

I’m feeling a little blue. I think it’s something about the air in the...air.
-my sis-in-law, RN

It didn’t seem too long.
-Jeremy M. Long, 27, in reference to my first podcast


05 -
Becca: I just can’t keep my eyes off the television today. With all the football games on…I am such a football girl. (note: she’s really not)

Our 9-year old son: I’m not such a fan of football. I don’t really get it.


August 2019

25 - Can I please go to the swimming pool and go poop in my diaper in the boboowah? -a 1.5 year old (note: boboowah = swimming pool)

Okay guys, it’s time for you to leave and time for me to watch my YouTube videos.
-my 6-year old nephew

July 2019

17 - I have good news and bad news: the good news is that my Fitbit came in the mail. The bad news is that I have to charge it. - my 9-year old niece

12 - “Hey, look up there Joey-Zoey-Boy, it looks like a big truck left tracks in the sky!” I looked up, and she was right. - my 9-year old niece

09 - life observations from my 9-year old niece

The first dream I had where I died was really weird. Know what I mean?

It’s okay to drink regular milk sometimes because it doesn’t come from dead cows, it comes from real cows that are still alive.

June 2019

06 - I not want to change diaper. I like poopy diaper. - a 1.5 year old, with smile and deadly serious

May 2019

I don’t think they have a chance of definitely not winning, but they need to play way better.  
- my sister-in-law, regarding Blazers vs. Warriors

I’m like a human emotional radar detector.
Lee Long, 66, on phone, in regards to knowing what people are thinking and feeling) 

Me: I am in the untenable position of needing to take decisive action regarding whether a glass of water or a cup of coffee would best befit my health at this point. I am leaning toward the latter. With a piece of cake
My sis-in-law, RN: Cake & coffee. Water is for losers.

March 2019

25 - We need to get you in to get your eyes taken care of. You’re worthless blind.
-Becca to me

27 - observations from my 9-year old niece
Sometimes I laugh so hard that wind comes out my nose. Does that ever happen to you?

I’m pretty sure I saw a rat running by a minute ago into the living room. It was about the size of a raccoon. I couldn’t really tell, it was a blur. But maybe I was just seeing things. Sometimes I do that. But it was really big.

You know how people say “practice makes perfect? Well there’s no such thing as perfect, so they should say “practice makes pretty close to perfect.”


November 2018

Don’t correct me when I’m embellishing a story.
my brother, said to his wife when telling a Walmart story

July 2018

Me: I thought you liked the heat!
My sis-in-law, RN: Nope. I used to. I like the heat until it gets hot.

11 - thoughts on eating from my 7-yr old niece, AKK
For some reason my stomach didn’t bother to tell me when I was hungry. It’s supposed to grumble and tell me, but it didn’t so I didn’t realise I was hungry until now, and I guess I actually was really hungry so I’m glad I got to eat, thank you for lunch, Jojo.

April 2018

06 - Pretty mama brush teeth. (1.5 year old, while she’s brushing and he’s looking up at her with adoring eyes and a big grin on a Saturday night after watching 1978’s Les Miserables.

January 2018

18 - “There’s a guy at work I’m kinda becoming friends with. I don’t remember his name. But he’s balding, has a ponytail, and has a bunch of music posters and Beatles stuff around his cubicle so I kind of want to be friends with him.”

-a brother of mine in Arizona


September 2017

24 - favorites from a certain niece, age 7
For some reason, when we’re driving, I like  to look out the window. I don’t know why exactly. *chuckles*

For some reason, I don’t like to have things happen that I don’t know about that I didn’t see, and then I find out about and I wasn’t there.

For some reason, I have trouble picking up big things unless they’re little.



I need to start trolling the hospitals for a doctor.
-my good bud RN, 41, with a shake of her head and giant grin

I'm going to pretend we're on vacation this week too, except we'll be going to work.
- my mom, at the beach.


10 - It would be fun to be a librarian because you get to sit around and eat food and talk to people and read books, and do things on computers. And you can go on walks at lunch. It would be so fun to be a librarian.
-our 8-year old daughter dreaming up career plans

23 - Daddy, you live on trail mix! You live on trail mix and water. You should try living on it for a year and we could see what happens! If you die then we'd know it's not a good idea and we'd just see you in heaven.
-my loving 8-year old daughter. She has her father’s (and mother’s) sense of humor.


30 - I'll tell you, the thing I get tired of is breathing." (a 59-year old to his wife, as related by her, in reference to his C-pap)

January 2016

16 - It's so weird how Grandmas are into violence. Both my grandmas watch Person of Interest, and it has a lot of violence in it.
-musings from an 8-year old granddaughter #Philippians4:8


November 2015

“You know what I really want to do? I really want to watch a scary movie sometime before bed. I think that would be fun.” -our grinning but very serious 8-year old

September 2015

My phone rings. I answer.

It's my brother, 34: "Hey. I'm calling everyone in the family today so nobody bothers me tomorrow on my birthday."



12 Occasionally there are days where an hour feels like there’s about 270 minutes in it. - Joseph Long


It’s just kind of a basic family rule we have: we wear underwear while we’re eating. - Me, to an anonymous four-year old who chose to reject this basic family rule.


When I grow up, I want to be a minotaur.
-A boy, four years and a couple days old, sauntering around, nonchalantly flexing his Greek mythology know-how and announcing his future career plans - or future identity.


…we have to suck up to them so we can get invited to cool parties.
-a friend and artist in his 50s, said with a grin


Can everything in the whole world break?
-a 42-month old after his aunt’s senior fashion show, as he watches his grandfather use a crutch to limp down a hallway.



coming soon




I want to sit by my sister. - MDL, age 5 (note: she has no sister)

Daddy, why are we up so early? - MDL, age 5 (note: a certain 5-year old and her younger brother are the reason we are up so early)

Me: What did you have for breakfast with Mama?

Her (MDL, age 5): Chicken, and ice cream, and beef. -MDL, age 5 (note: we are vegetarian, teetering close to vegan, making this statement a flat-out falsehood…or errant memory)



15 - “Dodi, why is it that the sky looks close enough to reach out and touch, but it’s really not?” - MDL, a 4-year old

14 - “Mama, can I ask you a question? Sorry, it’s probably a, uhh, right-or-wrong question and I think I know the answer will be No, but I was just wondering if it’s my birthday tomorrow?” - MDL, a 4-year old girl

(The answer is No, that birthday is still five months away)

12 - “We are going to be such good pals today.” - MDL, age 4, to her 1.5 year old brother


17 - “I hope it takes a long time for me to warm up so you’ll stay and snuggle with me longer.” - MD, age 4, to me

This request did not trouble me terribly.

13 - “I have got to stop eating and drinking anything for several months, so I stop growing. I really love being four.” -MD, age 4

05 - “Is my tongue bleeding? Do I have a sliver? Is my shoulder bleeding?!” -MDL, a 4-year old girl currently on high alert for any signs of any type of physical injury



09 - I’m planning on getting up REALLY early tomorrow, so I won’t be able to snuggle with you guys in the morning because I need to be up really early to do homework and get ready for the day. - MDL, age 4


I turned a negative situation into something good. I was thrown out the door, trampled. Looked inside, saw my dad inside, doing cocaine, smoking marijuana, and I took a negative situation and turned it into something good.
-a brother, 18, with a deadpan straight face (note: his dad, Lee Long, does not engage in these activities, to the very best of all of our knowledge)

Also: he has recently been responding to any questions asking him how he did something with:
’I didn’t back down.’
It’s hard to explain. But it’s very irritating and very funny.



05 - “I really love that boy,” a 2-year old quietly murmured as her Uncle Jonny drove away this morning.



10 - I’m going to go sit on my animal couch…Daddy would you mind handing me my iTouch? - a 28-month old who realized her uncle wasn’t around to sing for her, so she’d have to settle for watching him on an iTouch that she apparently has decided is…hers?


26 - She hits me in the face with the full brunt of her 2 year old hand:

No! I said. It is not okay to hit!

It’s okay, she explained nonchalantly, a grin splashed across. I was just giving your face a high five.


21 - anonymous 2-year old:
“I need you to listen and to…obey.”
she turns around to me and explains:
”…I am talking to the wipes.”

She sneezes: “I’m sorry Dodi! I blessed.”


Music is what I live for. It's all I want to do. It's what I live for. I love it. Music.
-Lanessa Long, my youngest sister, age 13




27 - What do you think I need to do…go to Safeway and shoot elk? - says a very tired vegetarian, Trader Joe-shopping Countess Becca, with no context and making little sense at a late hour, as she briefly raises her head from slumber during a movie


19 - My mom, in reference to her granddaughter (my daughter): “I think she’s left-handed!”

My dad, speaking to my mom about me, in front of me: “We thought he was too (gestures to me) for the first year-and-a-half. Then we realized he was just uncoordinated.” Laughs. Note: this is the relationship me and my pop have. It is a good one. I laughed too.


11 - Jonny, can you go to the bathroom for me? I’m tired and I don’t feel like going. -anonymous 18-year old



27 - My brother Jonny has been on some sort of streak. Assorted:

‘Niece, you are going to be so amazing, with Becca’s body and brains, and uhh…Joseph’s…glasses.’

‘I saw Becca’s stomach and I was having lustful thoughts so I looked away.’

‘I would obliterate anyone a debate, in which I would respond to a question with a question.’

His girlfriend: I feel gross.
Him: Well, you should…just kidding, my little unwoven butterfly.

19 - You little petrified poofer! - Countess Becca, directed at me.
19 - Yonkers! - Countess Becca, unsure of why, where, or what context she uses it in. Just started saying it as an exclamation…or epithet?


24 - SHAME on you parents who went shopping on Thanksgiving! he thunders from up front at the end of his children’s story
-Mike G at the end of a fantastic story involving flutes and swords pulled out of a bag


17 - Employee 1 - Isn’t he just like a hyper-sensitive person?
Employee 2 - No, he’s just vegetarian.
- at Peet’s Coffee


21 - You should become a sex therapist. You’ve got the training (a 54-year old man nonchalantly and loudly conversing with his wife, with no context, in front of their adult children).


12 - Dad, for my 15th birthday, can you buy me a pipe ‘cause I’ll be able to drive and I’ll need to smoke to stay awake. -anonymous brother, six months before his birthday, on a Mt St Helens road

05 - Let’s play Bible charades. I’ll be Lazarus. First day. -my brother-in-law M—-, after a full midday meal

04 - I was disappointed to learn that Tourette’s doesn’t develop after the age of twenty. -my brother-in-law M—-, at Doug Fir Lounge



coming soon



coming soon



08 - ‘What a wonderful little picture!’ - Florence Lund, my grandmother-in-law, in reference to Feature Films for Families’ Seasons of the Heart (Ichelium, WA)



Sometimes I like to take a little peek at the other naked women in the YMCA showers.
- anonymous middle-aged woman I may or may not know



coming soon



coming soon



coming soon

posts involving good quotes below