Thanos needs a hug, not a twin. CHILDHOODJoseph LongNovember 22, 20242024, a Friday, 07 years old, 14 years old, teenagers, a day in the life, JXIL, school 2024-25, homeschoolComment
Just Asking : Thoughts on Civics, Character and Elections. PARENTING, POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 4, 20242024, politics, early childhood development, teachingComment
You are needed now (the day after Election Day 2016). POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 2, 20242016, 2024, politics, RelationshipsComment
People who falls. POETRY, RELIGIONJoseph LongMay 18, 2024church, 2018, poem, religion and spiritualityComment
‘You are a supporting actor on other people's stages.’ FRIENDSHIPJoseph LongSeptember 22, 20232022, friends, Skatepark School, advice, Relationships, conversationsComment
Something pretty in the ruins (I will write this well to remember it well). CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongAugust 3, 2023a Thursday, 2023, x11, parents and children, children, siblings, toys, memory, a snippet of life, animalsComment
Acceptable risk. PARENTINGJoseph LongJuly 26, 2023art in process, parents and children, early childhood development, parents, children, 03-05 years old, playing Comments
Cheesy 80s summers. WORKJoseph LongJune 24, 20231990s, work, Tillamook, teenagers, Very Long Histories, Joseph Ivan Long Comment
This is a little something I love (11 snippets of my brother on his 36th birthday). RELATIONSHIPSJoseph LongJune 17, 2023Jonny L. Long, birthday, People I Admire, photograph, 36, brothers, heroes, Very Long Histories, 1987, 2023, life documentation, philosophizing Comment
Candy cotton inflation. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 16, 2023children, birthday, Very Long Histories, 1990s, Jonny L. Long, James Edward, brothersComment
Those summer days. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 10, 20231990s, sports, Very Long Histories, JoshuaComment
So we show up because (11 notes on a graduation). EDUCATIONJoseph LongJune 7, 2023grade 12, 2023, education and learning, RHL, society, MDL, advice, school 2022-23, friendsComment
What has changed in my lifetime : notes on technology & society from an interview with my daughter. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJune 6, 20232023, MDL, soci, documentary, life documentation, Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, 46, 15 years old, historyComment
Caldecott books : "Prayer for a Child" (1944) CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 1, 20232023, Caldecott Award, religion and spirituality, children, a day in the life, a Thursday, 03-05 years old, mathematics, reading, conflict, a snippet of life, 1944Comment
Manners (nosepicking, fork-clinking, and discrete signaling while eating). PARENTINGJoseph LongMay 30, 20232023, advice, parents and children, 46, Joseph Ivan Long, Householding, manners and etiquetteComment
11 thoughts on raising teenagers. PARENTING, CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 25, 2023teenagers, 2023, parents and children, advice, manifestoComment
‘Sometimes you should not be the one to help.’ CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongApril 24, 2023Skatepark School, a snippet of life, 2023, A Monday, bicycles, 06 years oldComment
All those jazzy notes splayed out (11 snippets on a Wednesday). CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 12, 2023x11, a Wednesday, 2023, homeschool, rituals, memory, a snippet of life, childrenComment
Another talk with dad. PARENTINGJoseph LongMarch 14, 2023dads, advice, parents, parents and children, 2023, childrening, manifesto Comment