So we show up because (11 notes on a graduation). EDUCATIONJoseph LongJune 7, 2023grade 12, 2023, education and learning, RHL, society, MDL, advice, school 2022-23, friendsComment
What has changed in my lifetime : notes on technology & society from an interview with my daughter. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJune 6, 20232023, MDL, soci, documentary, life documentation, Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, 46, 15 years old, historyComment
‘Embrace disagreement.’ CHILDHOOD, EDUCATION, PARENTING, PLAYLIST x11Joseph LongMarch 6, 2023Skatepark School, 2023, 03 years old, 06 years old, Family, controversy, education and learning, EVEL, EZ, JXIL, MDL, Countess Becca, libraries, advice, A MondayComment
Emergency services on demand. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 18, 20222022, A Monday, a snippet of life, 02 years old, 05 years old, Family, advice, MDL, 15 years old, EVEL, EZComment
On the misty outer banks of a summer porch. RELATIONSHIPSJoseph LongJune 22, 2022Jonny L. Long, 2022, MDL, obsessions and fixations, 02 years old, 05 years old, television, teenagers, brothers, a WednesdayComment
Shut up and stop teaching. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 12, 20222022, education and learning, teaching, advice, photograph, MDL, manifesto, booksComment
‘Thou shalt not envy thy neighbor’s income or the size of their banana.’ EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongDecember 27, 20212021, Skatepark School, controversy, money, 14 years old, MDLComment
Achilles (a poem for my daughter). POETRYJoseph LongSeptember 1, 2021poem, MDL, 14 years old, heroes, 2021Comment
Yes, I gave away the ending of Chinatown. Joseph LongFebruary 6, 20212021, five things, a Shabbat adventure, memory, 44, 13 years old, photograph, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, Columbia GorgeComment
I am Dad (hope & guidance for my teen daughter). PARENTING, RELATIONSHIPS, RELIGIONJoseph LongJanuary 10, 2021gender and identity, Girls, dads, 2021, teenagers, MDL, controversy, 13 years old, 13-16 years old, manifesto, conversation Comment
Chivalry (all the real dudes carry cool words, Sir). EDUCATIONJoseph LongNovember 25, 20202020, MDL, 8th grade, controversy, language and wordsComment
The subtle distinction between Fussing and Whining. CHILDHOOD, PARENTINGJoseph LongOctober 9, 202001-02 years old, 03 years old, 10 years old, 13 years old, MDL, JXIL, EVEL, EZ, childrening, parents and children, language and words, 2020, politicsComment
When we fall, this is what happens. PARENTINGJoseph LongJuly 1, 20202009, Jonny L. Long, MDL, uncles, Video, philosophizing, brothers, J.M. Long Comment
At the moment of crisis you will assassinate panic and find quiet valor. (week 2 of life in a pandemic for a 12-year old). CHILDHOODJoseph LongMarch 26, 20202020, MDL, Coronavirus, photograph, children, parents and childrenComment
What doesn’t kill. CHILDHOODJoseph LongFebruary 24, 20202020, MDL, conversations, 12 years old, 03 years oldComment
Five things that made me grin today. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongDecember 8, 20192019, libraries, a snippet of life, photograph, MDL, siblings, 02 years oldComment
The brightest sunshine in the darkest labyrinths. CHILDHOOD, BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH, SUMMARYJoseph LongOctober 30, 20192019, libraries, MDL, books, reading, Battle Ground, recommendations, EVEL, a snippet of life, RN Comment
Amy Adams. Joseph LongOctober 14, 2019conversations, JXIL, 2019, siblings, MDL, What's in a Name?Comment
Blitzkrieg in a wet forest on a dark day. CHILDHOODJoseph LongSeptember 7, 2019childrening, language and words, MDL, JXIL, 2019, hiking & the outdoors, photosComment