‘Embrace disagreement.’ CHILDHOOD, EDUCATION, PARENTING, PLAYLIST x11Joseph LongMarch 6, 2023Skatepark School, 2023, 03 years old, 06 years old, Family, controversy, education and learning, EVEL, EZ, JXIL, MDL, Countess Becca, libraries, advice, A MondayComment
Emergency services on demand. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 18, 20222022, A Monday, a snippet of life, 02 years old, 05 years old, Family, advice, MDL, 15 years old, EVEL, EZComment
He ain’t heavy (thoughts regarding embarrassment and dignity). Joseph LongJune 18, 2019Jonny L. Long, birthday, 30-39, Meilani, Family, photos, People I Admire, Relationships Comment
Close, closer, gone, but still in my heart. JosephLongApril 18, 20191994, Family, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Love, Relationships, brothers, siblings Comments
A comma, not a period. JosephLongOctober 12, 2018Canada, Family, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, philosophizing, RNComment
When we say goodbye with a smile in the forest and our hearts are ripped by something, probably a stupid branch. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 12, 2018forest, a portrait, Family, VN, Countess Becca, cousins, RN, photograph, philosophizing, Relationships, Mt. NorwayComment
The day is wrong. JosephLongJune 14, 2018Family, Friends, Love, Mt. Norway, Relationships, cousins, poem, travel, RNComment
My favourite librarian. JosephLongMay 31, 20182018, Family, People I Admire, Relationships, Washougal, libraries, RNComment
Minister of something. JosephLongJuly 7, 2017Chief, Family, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Oncle Jim, Portland SE, Portland, careers, coffee, grandparents, places, politics, J.M. LongComment
Marching in my hometown. POLITICSJosephLongJanuary 21, 2017Chief, Family, Oncle Jim, Sue, Tillamook, children, childrening, parents, politics, 2017Comment
Let there be bloods. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongDecember 31, 201620-29 years, 30-39, 40-49, Family, Instagram, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Joshua, Lanessa Cherie, Leanna, Tillamook, brothers, self-portrait, siblings, sisters, J.M. LongComment
Five things that make my heart come alive today. PHOTOGRAPH, RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongAugust 19, 2015Chief, Relationships, Sue, a portrait, anniversary, five things, grandparents, music, photograph, recommendations, MDL, JXIL, Family Comment
I am book. JosephLongSeptember 21, 2014Chief, Countess Becca, Family, James Edward, Joseph Ivan Long, Leanna, Micael, Sue, Washougal, a portrait, books, grandparents, photograph, places, reading, really really good ideas, MDLComment
Bicycle race. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORS, FRIENDSHIP, CHILDHOODJosephLongAugust 30, 20142014, 60-69, Family, Lanessa Cherie, Oncle Jim, Tillamook, a portrait, art in process, bicycles, buddies, photograph, teenagers, MDL, 18-20 years old, 18 years oldComment
ICE BUCKET: JONNY & FIERY CHARIOTS. JosephLongAugust 20, 20142014, Family, Jonny L. Long, Marc Gupilan, VideoComment
A girl turns seven. JosephLongJuly 9, 20142014, Family, Portland, birthday, books, reading, MDL, JXIL, sports, 07 years oldComment
Independence for all-ish. HOLIDAY, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJuly 4, 201420-29 years, 2014, beach, buddies, holiday, music, politics, swords, uncles, photograph, Jonny L. Long, JXIL, Independence Day, Family, 04 years oldComment
HERE IS ADVICE. JosephLongMay 3, 20142014, Family, Lanessa Cherie, Relationships, philosophizing, siblingsComment
Birthday : Meilani no. 24. JosephLongDecember 30, 201320-29 years, 2013, 24, 50-59, 60-69, Chief, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, a portrait, birthday, buddies, grandparents, photograph, sisters, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
PERSONS OF INTEREST. JosephLongDecember 14, 20132013, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Leanna, Meilani, Micael, Portland, a portrait, coffee, photographComment