Messy! (why you and your business should not immediately race to “invest” your time into social media). WORKJoseph LongApril 18, 2020creative process, 2020, The Blythe Cricket, work, food, RN, Instagram, society, adviceComment
Thank you, Teddy, Nancy, and friends. JosephLongAugust 25, 2018Columbia Gorge, Instagram, cousins, places, hiking & the outdoorsComment
Cliff-jumping versus basketball. JosephLongJuly 14, 2018Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Washougal, places, sports, Video, 41, athlete, 2018Comment
Regarding nature and fine music. JosephLongMay 24, 2018Battle Ground, Instagram, Very Little Adventures, brothers, EVEL, JXIL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 2018Comment
POEM : rest stop. JosephLongMay 14, 2018Battle Ground, Friends, Instagram, Starbucks, Very Little Adventures, bicycles, coffee, early childhood development, poem, sports, EVEL, 01-02 years oldComment
Boy in library. JosephLongMay 6, 2018Instagram, Washougal, libraries, RN, EVEL, society, 01-02 years oldComment
POEM : The wipers are broken. JosephLongApril 24, 2018Instagram, Mt. Norway, Video, early childhood development, poem, sleeping, EVEL, 01-02 years oldComment
Books and their boy. LOCALJosephLongSeptember 11, 2017Instagram, libraries, books, Washougal, 00-01 year oldComment
The horse and his boy. JosephLongSeptember 9, 2017Instagram, animals, Mt. Norway, hiking & the outdoors, 00-01 year oldComment
Help, they’re reading too much. JosephLongSeptember 1, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, books, reading, MDL, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Sparks, OMD, Men at Work, Boy at play. JosephLongJuly 29, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, music, recommendations, EVEL, 00-01 year oldComment
GSE : The Way Life's Meant to Be. JosephLongJuly 26, 2017Greatest Song Ever, Instagram, early childhood development, eating, EVEL, 00-01 year oldComment
Analog (use well today). PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJune 24, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, Writers, analog, buddies, siblings, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, JXIL, 09 years old, 06 years oldComment
Yiddish school union. JosephLongJune 10, 2017Instagram, art by JXIL, homeschool, language and words, 06 years old, 2017, JXILComment
My son accompanies me to a graduation, and they all smile at him. JosephLongJune 6, 2017Instagram, events, selfie, EVEL, 00-01 year oldComment
If only there was a zipline. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongMay 21, 2017Columbia Gorge, Instagram, Oregon, places, MDL, JXIL, hiking & the outdoors, 06 years oldComment
How to get out of chores. JosephLongMay 12, 2017Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, music, quotes, selfie, sleeping, work, EVEL, JXIL, 00-01 year oldComment
We climb a big rock with a Florida friend. LOCAL, FRIENDSHIP, OUTDOORSJosephLongMay 6, 2017Columbia Gorge, Friends, Instagram, J.M. Long, hiking & the outdoorsComment
Battle for supremacy (aren’t they all?). JosephLongMay 2, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, competition, siblings, MDL, EVEL, 00-01 year old, 09 years oldComment
Friends (Iwata and crew). JosephLongApril 29, 2017Friends, Hood River, Instagram, Oregon, a portrait, food, places, selfie, 06 years oldComment