Soup in the haiku bird (five times I didn't say no today). PHOTOGRAPH, PARENTINGJoseph LongMay 12, 20202020, parents, a Tuesday, food, poem, events, photographComment
Into the wild. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORSJosephLongSeptember 6, 2017The Gorge, events, explorations, MDL, photograph, 10 years oldComment
Better late, and also I interpret the President’s speech. JosephLongAugust 21, 20171st time..., events, politics, science and technologyComment
My son accompanies me to a graduation, and they all smile at him. JosephLongJune 6, 2017Instagram, events, selfie, EVEL, 00-01 year oldComment
In which a thousand tubas blast Christmas goodness to Chicago from Portland. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 10, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Meilani, Portland SW, Portland, events, music, self-portrait, MDL, J.M. Long, holidayComment
In which we consider kindred spirits. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 2, 201630-30, 40-49, Camas, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Washougal, events, holiday, self-portrait, MDL, 2016, friendsComment
VIDEO : Everything is not awesomeous (But Stevenson, WA is). FILMJosephLongAugust 19, 2016Columbia Gorge, Little Travels, Stevenson, Video, events, 2016, places, The GorgeComment
Jim Thorpe. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 5, 2016Olympics, Oregon, beach, events, sports, MDL, 2016, 09 years oldComment
Guest post : A wedding. JosephLongJune 18, 201520-29 years, Jonny L. Long, brothers, events, work, photos, 2015, eventComment
Mates of State date. MUSICJosephLongJanuary 22, 201530-39, 35, 38, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Love, Portland, events, music, placesComment
SOME THINGS NEVER GET OLD. JosephLongNovember 15, 20142014, 30-39, 35, Countess Becca, Friends, Portland, a portrait, events, moms, photograph, MDL, 07 years oldComment
ROCK THE VOTE, AND, A PERFORMANCE: Lanessa "Nel cor piu non mi sento (from La Molinara) JosephLongNovember 4, 20142014, Lanessa Cherie, Video, current events, events, music, philosophizing, politicsComment
ROSE CITY COMIC-CON. JosephLongSeptember 20, 20142014, Micael, Portland, events, heroes, photograph, unclesComment
Five : Baby, it’s cold outside (our son’s list of essential tools for surviving the snow). JosephLongDecember 6, 2013Christmas, a portrait, banter, buddies, events, five things, food, photograph, questions, recommendations, swords, health, JXIL, holiday, 2013, 03 years oldComment
Supergroverjonny alt-J. JosephLongDecember 2, 2013Countess Becca, Jonny L. Long, Relationships, a portrait, events, music, sports, uncles, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
People in Black (Post-Family of the Year Show) JosephLongMarch 20, 20132013, Portland, a portrait, buddies, events, music, photograph, siblings, MDL, 02 years old, 05 years oldComment
Olympians in London, and Elsewhere (post-analysis). JosephLongAugust 12, 2012Countess Becca, Olympics, events, lists, sportsComment