Super sad (thoughts on a July Wednesday). SUMMARY, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 15, 20202020, 03 years old, EVEL, photos, parents and children, a Wodensday, Washougal, ...sometimes I wish, ...the only thing, ...pretty much every time,'d think that,'s pretty much always a good idea, ...I get super, ...some things never get oldComment
These are the things. Joseph LongJuly 6, 20202020, Washougal, hiking & the outdoors, photograph, five things, parents and children, memory Comments
Oscar Wilde plays tennis. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 16, 2019Washougal High Schoolsports, Washougal, 42, JXIL, politics, society, playingComment
Washougal, WA on a spring midday. LOCALJoseph LongMay 31, 2019Washougal, Camas, Columbia Gorge, Video, YouTube, places
EDUCATION : Even your bizarre teacher. EDUCATION, CHILDHOODJoseph LongSeptember 7, 2018Mt. Norway, Washougal, homeschool, school 2018-19, language and words, siblings, education and learning Comments
The descent. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJuly 17, 2018Washougal, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, Lanessa Cherie, 2018, 11 years oldComment
Cliff-jumping versus basketball. JosephLongJuly 14, 2018Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Washougal, places, sports, Video, 41, athlete, 2018Comment
My favourite librarian. JosephLongMay 31, 20182018, Family, People I Admire, Relationships, Washougal, libraries, RNComment
Boy in library. JosephLongMay 6, 2018Instagram, Washougal, libraries, RN, EVEL, society, 01-02 years oldComment
Is it possible? JosephLongNovember 28, 2017Friends, Washougal, music, recommendations, selfie, coffeeComment
Thoughts on competition. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongSeptember 30, 2017Washougal, competition, places, siblings, sports, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, 2017, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Books and their boy. LOCALJosephLongSeptember 11, 2017Instagram, libraries, books, Washougal, 00-01 year oldComment
In which we consider kindred spirits. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 2, 201630-30, 40-49, Camas, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Washougal, events, holiday, self-portrait, MDL, 2016, friendsComment
Simone Biles drinks tea. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongAugust 12, 2016Olympics, Washougal, coffee, conversations, dads, MDL, places, 2016, 09 years oldComment
And the sky was blue. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJuly 18, 2015AKK, TWK, Washougal, cousins, music, MDL, 05 years old, 08 years old, a Shabbat adventure, 2015Comment
Video games. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORSJosephLongJuly 18, 2015Washougal, cousins, photograph, hiking & the outdoors, TWK, AKK, MDL, JXIL, explorations, 05 years old, a Shabbat adventureComment
Matrix reboot. JosephLongOctober 22, 2014Washougal, a portrait, photograph, really really good ideas, MDL, 07 years oldComment
Homage to Frank Gehry. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongOctober 4, 20142014, Washougal, advice, art by JXIL, art in process, places, JXIL, photograph, 04 years oldComment
I am book. JosephLongSeptember 21, 2014Chief, Countess Becca, Family, James Edward, Joseph Ivan Long, Leanna, Micael, Sue, Washougal, a portrait, books, grandparents, photograph, places, reading, really really good ideas, MDLComment