Academy Awards self-portrait. JosephLongFebruary 26, 201730-30, 40-49, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx5, Mt. Norway, self-portrait, MDL, Academy AwardsComment
Christmas card portrait 2016. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 28, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, self-portrait, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, JXIL, 2016Comment
In which I bring Neal Stephenson into the Christmas season. JosephLongDecember 20, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Fly View Aerial, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Mt. Norway, books, self-portrait, MDL, science and technologyComment
In which the elves leap through the living room while I peruse vinyl. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 11, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Mt. Norway, self-portrait, MDLComment
In which a thousand tubas blast Christmas goodness to Chicago from Portland. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 10, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Meilani, Portland SW, Portland, events, music, self-portrait, MDL, J.M. Long, holidayComment
In which we see Christmas violence committed against myself. JosephLongDecember 9, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, quotes, self-portrait, MDLComment
In which we nap, and there is whip cream. JosephLongDecember 8, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Mt. Norway, food, self-portrait, MDLComment
In which we consider kindred spirits. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 2, 201630-30, 40-49, Camas, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Washougal, events, holiday, self-portrait, MDL, 2016, friendsComment