I throw my arms around you forever. ILLUSTRATIONJoseph LongFebruary 9, 2023a Thursday, 2023, x11, a snippet of life, overheard, friends, quotes, money, work, siblings, Oncle Jim, LoveComment
Monday’s just a toot. SUMMARYJoseph LongNovember 28, 2022A Monday, 2022, school 2022-23, a snippet of life, playing, quotes, 03 years oldComment
You've had a good little life, haven't you? PARENTINGJoseph LongNovember 11, 2022Countess Becca, parents and children, 2022, quotes, sickness and healthComment
‘Sometimes you must protect your charges from flimflammish tomfoolery, but also be wary of shifting loyalties.’ CHILDHOODJoseph LongFebruary 21, 2022money, 2022, Skatepark School, school 2021-22, JXIL, 11 years old, 05 years old, conflict, quotesComment
"I'm just a citizen with a knife." JosephLongMay 10, 2019controversy, conversations, quotes, J.M. Long, language and words Comments
Failure is the first step toward trying? JosephLongMay 9, 201942, Countess Becca, James Edward, Joseph Ivan Long, Relationships, What's in a Name?, advice, brothers, quotes, selfie, RN Comments
Miles, man, play what ain’t there. JosephLongMay 8, 2019Inspiration(s), advice, art in process, controversy, conversations, music, photograph, politics, quotes, J.M. Long Comments
95% + 5 things. CHILDHOODJosephLongMarch 18, 2019five things, homeschool, quotes, 2019, RHL, EVELComment
INSPIRATIONS | Billions "Only a coward, only a fool..." JosephLongAugust 9, 2018Inspiration(s), quotesComment
Then everything goes downhill. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongApril 20, 2018Mt. Norway, children, quotes, siblings, childrening, JXIL, EVEL, MDL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
File under : argument, a very convincing one. Joseph LongFebruary 3, 2018style, Joseph Ivan Long, quotes, MDLComment
It was a dream. JosephLongJanuary 18, 201840-49, Householding, James Edward, philosophizing, quotes, 2018, dadsComment
INTERSECTIONS. i can't do that, there's no money in it (dummies) JosephLongJanuary 9, 2018People I Admire, artmaking, philosophizing, quotesComment
Standard deviation (I remember my age pretty well). JosephLongSeptember 27, 201740-49, Joseph Ivan Long, quotesComment
Hey Becca, it's your anniversary, and mine! JosephLongSeptember 15, 2017Countess Becca, anniversary, books, buddies, letters to my wife, libraries, overheard, quotes, reading, siblings, EVELComment
And timeliness is stupid too. JosephLongAugust 29, 2017Mt. Norway, philosophizing, quotes, JXIL, photograph, hiking & the outdoors, 07 years oldComment