Just Asking : Thoughts on Civics, Character and Elections. PARENTING, POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 4, 20242024, politics, early childhood development, teachingComment
We brighten or darken the days of those around. SUMMARY, PARENTINGJoseph LongAugust 30, 20242024, a Friday, x11, a snippet of life, VN, DN, eating, 07 years old, LEGO, teenagers, EVEL, parents and childrenComment
Acceptable risk. PARENTINGJoseph LongJuly 26, 2023art in process, parents and children, early childhood development, parents, children, 03-05 years old, playing Comments
What has changed in my lifetime : notes on technology & society from an interview with my daughter. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJune 6, 20232023, MDL, soci, documentary, life documentation, Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, 46, 15 years old, historyComment
Manners (nosepicking, fork-clinking, and discrete signaling while eating). PARENTINGJoseph LongMay 30, 20232023, advice, parents and children, 46, Joseph Ivan Long, Householding, manners and etiquetteComment
11 thoughts on raising teenagers. PARENTING, CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 25, 2023teenagers, 2023, parents and children, advice, manifestoComment
Another talk with dad. PARENTINGJoseph LongMarch 14, 2023dads, advice, parents, parents and children, 2023, childrening, manifesto Comment
‘Embrace disagreement.’ CHILDHOOD, EDUCATION, PARENTING, PLAYLIST x11Joseph LongMarch 6, 2023Skatepark School, 2023, 03 years old, 06 years old, Family, controversy, education and learning, EVEL, EZ, JXIL, MDL, Countess Becca, libraries, advice, A MondayComment
Because on a winter day (a warm blustery poem). CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PARENTING, POETRYJoseph LongFebruary 8, 20232023, forest, hiking & the outdoors, playing, poem, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
11 things to do outside with your kids outside during the winter. CHILDHOOD, PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 12, 20232023, hiking & the outdoors, lists, childrening, advice, parents and children, x11Comment
You've had a good little life, haven't you? PARENTINGJoseph LongNovember 11, 2022Countess Becca, parents and children, 2022, quotes, sickness and healthComment
The one thing every child in the world should know about their parents’ health. POETRY, PARENTINGJoseph LongSeptember 23, 20222022, poem, sickness and health, health, parents and children, adviceComment
'Make a list (when you don't know where to start).' CHILDHOOD, PARENTING, SUMMARYJoseph LongMay 2, 20222022, Skatepark School, education and learning, list, school 2021-22, memory, A Monday, 02 years old, 05 years old, 03-05 years oldComment
Gospel choose (a manifesto in rhyme). POLITICS, PARENTINGJoseph LongApril 13, 20222022, poem, politics, religion and spirituality, manifesto, Greatest Song Ever Comment
'Ask in a pleasant manner, practice patience.' EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongMarch 28, 20222022, school 2021-22, Skatepark School, advice, parents and childrenComment
A tragicomic operatic symphony in three parts. PARENTINGJoseph LongFebruary 15, 20222022, a Tuesday, competition, conflict, moms, dads, 02 years old, 05 years old, animals, Countess Becca, EVEL, EZ Comment
‘Don’t expect a repeat experience.’ PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 24, 2022Skatepark School, school 2021-22, homeschool, hiking & the outdoors, playing, forest, parents and children, 2022, 02 years oldComment
Shut up and stop teaching. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 12, 20222022, education and learning, teaching, advice, photograph, MDL, manifesto, booksComment
‘Thou shalt not envy thy neighbor’s income or the size of their banana.’ EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongDecember 27, 20212021, Skatepark School, controversy, money, 14 years old, MDLComment
Do not go gentle to that good nap...actually, please do. PARENTING, EDUCATIONJoseph LongNovember 17, 2021a Wednesday, 2021, sleeping, EZ, parents and children, homeschool, school 2021-22, adviceComment