We brighten or darken the days of those around. SUMMARY, PARENTINGJoseph LongAugust 30, 20242024, a Friday, x11, a snippet of life, VN, DN, eating, 07 years old, LEGO, teenagers, EVEL, parents and childrenComment
Pipsqueaks & popcorn: let fame live upon our brazen tombs. SUMMARY, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 3, 20242024, EVEL, EZ, Washougal, a snippet of life, parents and children, conversations, Lanessa CherieComment
Something pretty in the ruins (I will write this well to remember it well). CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongAugust 3, 2023a Thursday, 2023, x11, parents and children, children, siblings, toys, memory, a snippet of life, animalsComment
Acceptable risk. PARENTINGJoseph LongJuly 26, 2023art in process, parents and children, early childhood development, parents, children, 03-05 years old, playing Comments
Manners (nosepicking, fork-clinking, and discrete signaling while eating). PARENTINGJoseph LongMay 30, 20232023, advice, parents and children, 46, Joseph Ivan Long, Householding, manners and etiquetteComment
11 thoughts on raising teenagers. PARENTING, CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 25, 2023teenagers, 2023, parents and children, advice, manifestoComment
Another talk with dad. PARENTINGJoseph LongMarch 14, 2023dads, advice, parents, parents and children, 2023, childrening, manifesto Comment
11 things to do outside with your kids outside during the winter. CHILDHOOD, PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 12, 20232023, hiking & the outdoors, lists, childrening, advice, parents and children, x11Comment
You've had a good little life, haven't you? PARENTINGJoseph LongNovember 11, 2022Countess Becca, parents and children, 2022, quotes, sickness and healthComment
Why Ferdinand is one of the most important books every parent can read. BOOKSJoseph LongOctober 27, 2022books, recommendations, parents and children, 2022, childrening, politicsComment
The one thing every child in the world should know about their parents’ health. POETRY, PARENTINGJoseph LongSeptember 23, 20222022, poem, sickness and health, health, parents and children, adviceComment
'Ask in a pleasant manner, practice patience.' EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongMarch 28, 20222022, school 2021-22, Skatepark School, advice, parents and childrenComment
‘Don’t expect a repeat experience.’ PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 24, 2022Skatepark School, school 2021-22, homeschool, hiking & the outdoors, playing, forest, parents and children, 2022, 02 years oldComment
'If you want to lead, let others lead.' EDUCATION, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJanuary 10, 2022Skatepark School, 2022, school 2021-22, banter, 05 years old, parents and children, hiking & the outdoorsComment
Do not go gentle to that good nap...actually, please do. PARENTING, EDUCATIONJoseph LongNovember 17, 2021a Wednesday, 2021, sleeping, EZ, parents and children, homeschool, school 2021-22, adviceComment
'Get mad at those in power first.’ EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongOctober 11, 2021Skatepark School, 2021, parents and children, politics, advice, school 2021-22Comment
Crickets (we on the hot dry ground). CHILDHOOD, PARENTING, OUTDOORSJoseph LongSeptember 8, 20212021, 04 years old, animals, explorations, hiking & the outdoors, parents and children, EVEL, dads, conversationsComment
Big bloody hug (1 part 2-year old, 2 parts 4-year old). PARENTINGJoseph LongAugust 20, 20212021, sickness and health, 02 years old, 04 years old, parents, childrening, parents and children, a snippet of life, dads, selfie, photographComment
When to ____ (a stage, a symphony, a circus). PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongMay 5, 20212021, parents and children, philosophizing, poem, analogComment
Slow bike race (busy versus full). PARENTING, RELATIONSHIPSJoseph LongApril 26, 20212021, A Monday, childrening, parents and children, Relationships, society, advice, conversations, 04 years old, EVEL, sleeping Comment