Thanos needs a hug, not a twin. CHILDHOODJoseph LongNovember 22, 20242024, a Friday, 07 years old, 14 years old, teenagers, a day in the life, JXIL, school 2024-25, homeschoolComment
Pipsqueaks & popcorn: let fame live upon our brazen tombs. SUMMARY, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 3, 20242024, EVEL, EZ, Washougal, a snippet of life, parents and children, conversations, Lanessa CherieComment
Something pretty in the ruins (I will write this well to remember it well). CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongAugust 3, 2023a Thursday, 2023, x11, parents and children, children, siblings, toys, memory, a snippet of life, animalsComment
Candy cotton inflation. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 16, 2023children, birthday, Very Long Histories, 1990s, Jonny L. Long, James Edward, brothersComment
Those summer days. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 10, 20231990s, sports, Very Long Histories, JoshuaComment
Caldecott books : "Prayer for a Child" (1944) CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 1, 20232023, Caldecott Award, religion and spirituality, children, a day in the life, a Thursday, 03-05 years old, mathematics, reading, conflict, a snippet of life, 1944Comment
11 thoughts on raising teenagers. PARENTING, CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 25, 2023teenagers, 2023, parents and children, advice, manifestoComment
‘Sometimes you should not be the one to help.’ CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongApril 24, 2023Skatepark School, a snippet of life, 2023, A Monday, bicycles, 06 years oldComment
All those jazzy notes splayed out (11 snippets on a Wednesday). CHILDHOODJoseph LongApril 12, 2023x11, a Wednesday, 2023, homeschool, rituals, memory, a snippet of life, childrenComment
‘Embrace disagreement.’ CHILDHOOD, EDUCATION, PARENTING, PLAYLIST x11Joseph LongMarch 6, 2023Skatepark School, 2023, 03 years old, 06 years old, Family, controversy, education and learning, EVEL, EZ, JXIL, MDL, Countess Becca, libraries, advice, A MondayComment
No health care for robbers? CHILDHOODJoseph LongFebruary 17, 20232023, controversy, EZ, LEGO, sickness and health, society, conversations, careers, 03 years old, religion and spiritualityComment
Because on a winter day (a warm blustery poem). CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PARENTING, POETRYJoseph LongFebruary 8, 20232023, forest, hiking & the outdoors, playing, poem, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
11 things to do outside with your kids outside during the winter. CHILDHOOD, PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 12, 20232023, hiking & the outdoors, lists, childrening, advice, parents and children, x11Comment
How to help your children take initiative with chores (the duet of vacuums singing a swan song). CHILDHOODJoseph LongAugust 29, 20222022, a snippet of life, Spotify, A Monday, cleaning & organizingComment
We shriek farewell (how to make sad times work for you). CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongJuly 23, 20222022, memory, EVEL, EZ, eating, a moment, a SaturdayComment
Emergency services on demand. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 18, 20222022, A Monday, a snippet of life, 02 years old, 05 years old, Family, advice, MDL, 15 years old, EVEL, EZComment
The clothes we don’t wear in the unmowed lawn at dawn. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 8, 20222022, a Friday, a snippet of life, siblings, childrenComment
How to negotiate what you want on a Friday. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 1, 2022a snippet of life, conversation, EVEL, 05 years old, movies, a Friday, 2022Comment
How to pivot a conversation to the subject you want. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 20, 2022A Monday, 2022, 05 years old, animals, language and words, siblings, a moment, conflict, EVELComment
'Make a list (when you don't know where to start).' CHILDHOOD, PARENTING, SUMMARYJoseph LongMay 2, 20222022, Skatepark School, education and learning, list, school 2021-22, memory, A Monday, 02 years old, 05 years old, 03-05 years oldComment