No health care for robbers?

What are you building? I asked, kneeling down by him.

He looked up briefly:
I’m building a doctor place with Legos. It’s a place to help people. Also, I’m a jailer-person. I put bad people in jail.

A three-year old boy builds a correctional facility. There will be no doctors available, as apparently this particular prison is rejecting the Golden Rule and its variants and relying on something closer to Machiavelli or Sun-Tzu than Jesus.

What if a bad person, like a robber is hurt? I asked.
Would you help them?

he said firmly.

I asked reasonably.

They’re a robber.
he reminded me.

What if you were a doctor following the Golden Rule?
I asked, becoming more intrigued.

He considered this for a few seconds before announcing his solution:
Well I’m not the doctor. They’re the doctor -
- he points to a LEGO figure.

Okay, I nodded,
cool, so they’re the doctor. Should they help? What if the robber got hurt badly and was going to die?

He looked up at me, possibly trying to smile grimly but merely managing a giddy version before delivering the fatalistic outcome:
Well they’d die in jail anyway.

I asked, I mean…in a civilized country, wouldn’t they get help in jail?

He shook his head sadly again.
No, I’m a jailer-person, not a doctor.

I remained insistent:
Well…shouldn’t they see a doctor?

I’m not the doctor,
he impatiently reminded me. They’re the doctor -
-points to the LEGO figure again.

Okay. I sighed.
Should they help the robber?

I could almost see his mind whirring as he came up with a solution for this scenario. Finally, after three seconds, he landed on one.
Well….the doctor is actually a vet doctor. They only help animals. Only animals.

I began to cave.
So I guess the robber is just going to die?

He looked up again, nodding with little compassion.
Yeah. he said. The robber is going to die.