The agony & the ecstasy of collective bargaining. SUMMARYJoseph LongJuly 22, 20242024, a snippet of life, a Tuesday, siblings, 17 years old, 14 years old, teenagers, playing, brothers, A MondayComment
Acceptable risk. PARENTINGJoseph LongJuly 26, 2023art in process, parents and children, early childhood development, parents, children, 03-05 years old, playing Comments
Because on a winter day (a warm blustery poem). CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PARENTING, POETRYJoseph LongFebruary 8, 20232023, forest, hiking & the outdoors, playing, poem, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Monday’s just a toot. SUMMARYJoseph LongNovember 28, 2022A Monday, 2022, school 2022-23, a snippet of life, playing, quotes, 03 years oldComment
The ghosts who throw underwear and draw hearts. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJanuary 28, 20222022, EVEL, 02 years old, 05 years old, EZ, Relationships, brothers, JXIL, playing, conflict, selfie, sleeping, photos Comment
‘Don’t expect a repeat experience.’ PARENTINGJoseph LongJanuary 24, 2022Skatepark School, school 2021-22, homeschool, hiking & the outdoors, playing, forest, parents and children, 2022, 02 years oldComment
How to be your age (the edge of 2, 5, 11, and 14). CHILDHOODJoseph LongJanuary 14, 20222022, 02 years old, 05 years old, 11 years old, 14 years old, playing, a Friday, a snippet of lifeComment
Upon which time as we shall distance ourselves from the ignoble truths of our present existence. CHILDHOODJoseph LongAugust 2, 20212021, parents, brothers, EVEL, JXIL, playing, 11 years old, 04 years old, politics, siblings, conversationsComment
I can love you, but not until the end of time (dialogues with a four-year old). CHILDHOOD, RELATIONSHIPS, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongApril 22, 20212021, 04 years old, EVEL, conversations, Relationships, photograph, playing Comment
Oscar Wilde plays tennis. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJoseph LongJuly 16, 2019Washougal High Schoolsports, Washougal, 42, JXIL, politics, society, playingComment
Reading buddies. JosephLongMarch 31, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, books, buddies, playing, reading, MDL, EVEL, hiking & the outdoors, 00-01 year old, 06 years oldComment
Guess who’s in last place? JosephLongMarch 29, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, competition, playing, politics, siblings, 00-01 year oldComment
The waffles and wisdom of Sun-Tzu. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 12, 2015Portland, explorations, photograph, siblings, MDL, playing, JXIL, 2015, 07 years oldComment
Peripheral vision(aries). CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, POETRYJosephLongFebruary 8, 2015Camas, buddies, childrening, photograph, poem, MDL, 2015, playing, children, 07 years old, 04 years oldComment
A cape, a doll, a scimitar, one explosive leap into oblivion. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongDecember 29, 20132013, Mt. Norway, a moment, buddies, photograph, sports, swords, MDL, JXIL, playing, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Christmas love songs for Count Olaf. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongJuly 21, 20132013, books, music, recommendations, cousins, playing, hiking & the outdoors, workComment
Pink (ode to my son). PARENTING, CHILDHOODJosephLongMay 28, 2011Boys, Girls, a portrait, advice, childrening, dads, manifesto, philosophizing, stories that are true, JXIL, gender and identity, photos, 2011, playing, parents and children, controversy Comments
Fun (pony express on wheels). Joseph LongAugust 23, 20092009, great-grandparents, Nutter, 80-89, TWK, playing, 02 years oldComment
But probably don't eat linguini on the library floor? PARENTINGJoseph LongMay 20, 2009Countess Becca, Washougal, a Wednesday, 2009,'s pretty much always a good idea, ...pretty much every time, ...sometimes I wish, ...the only thing, ...this or that?,'d think that, memory, parents and children, playing, 01-02 years old, 02 years old, TWK, MDLComment