Five things : Dave Brubeck, divergent questioning, two year olds, Countes Becca, Martin Luther King, Jr. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 5, 20191950s, 1959, Countess Becca, Greatest Song Ever, Inspiration(s), early childhood development, five things, music, recommendations, EVEL, education and learning, 2019, Portland SW, Portland, city, 02 years old Comment
Make me a song (a birthday). FRIENDSHIP, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 9, 2018birthday, MDL, cousins, Portland, Portland SE, Jonny L. Long, buddies, 11 years oldComment
Laughter, and its direction at the angels. JosephLongDecember 9, 2017Countess Becca, Long holiday 2017, Portland SE, Portland, Very Little Adventures, holiday, MDL, EVEL, JXIL, Portland SWComment
Minister of something. JosephLongJuly 7, 2017Chief, Family, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Oncle Jim, Portland SE, Portland, careers, coffee, grandparents, places, politics, J.M. LongComment
Which one? PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJune 3, 2017Portland NE, Portland, a portrait, places, siblings, MDL, EVEL, JXIL, children, hiking & the outdoors, sistersComment
Hands free Easter. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 16, 2017Portland, conversations, holiday, science and technology, JXIL, photograph, 06 years oldComment
Emergency books and other survival tips. JosephLongApril 8, 2017Instagram, Portland SE, Portland, books, coffee, places, reading, MDL, 09 years oldComment
Sun-Tzu in Powell’s. JosephLongApril 7, 2017Instagram, Portland SW, Portland, books, siblings, 00-01 year old, 09 years old, 06 years oldComment
Gandhi’s uncle, Vaclav Havel’s niece, Tina Fey’s husband. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 19, 2016Portland, moms, JXIL, 2016, 06 years oldComment
In which a thousand tubas blast Christmas goodness to Chicago from Portland. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 10, 201630-30, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Meilani, Portland SW, Portland, events, music, self-portrait, MDL, J.M. Long, holidayComment
In which we visit a bakery with my M.I.L. JosephLongMarch 27, 2016Portland NE, controversy, grandparents, holiday, selfie, MDL, VN, Portland, quotes, 2016, photosComment
Conversations : Max, miracles, IKEA, friendship & death. JosephLongFebruary 11, 2016Portland, conversations series, strangers, 2016Comment
Factored for inflation. JosephLongDecember 22, 2015Christmas, Instagram, Portland, Video, conversations, money, JXIL, 05 years oldComment
Explorations : Reed College. JosephLongMay 30, 2015sports, MDL, 2015, Portland, 04 years old, a Shabbat adventureComment
Oaks Park. JosephLongMay 28, 201530-39, 38, Friends, Joseph Ivan Long, Portland, 2015, friends, photosComment
I’ve got the sun on your back. JosephLongMay 18, 2015Portland, a portrait, books, coffee, photograph, places, reading, MDL, 07 years old, 04 years oldComment
Another Lemony Snicket quote. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 20, 2015Portland, quotes, MDL, 2015, 07 years oldComment
The waffles and wisdom of Sun-Tzu. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 12, 2015Portland, explorations, photograph, siblings, MDL, playing, JXIL, 2015, 07 years oldComment