Eventually (reflections on travel, family, food, and anniversaries). SUMMARYJoseph LongOctober 4, 2022x44, a Weekend, 2022, Little Travels, travel, The Blythe Cricket, RN, cousins, AKK, grandparents, VN, DN, Columbia GorgeComment
MUSIC : Five thoughts on Sepultura, U2, James, Kings of Leon, Avett Brothers. JosephLongJuly 13, 2018Countess Becca, Lanessa Cherie, grandparents, music, philosophizing, photograph, RNComment
Minister of something. JosephLongJuly 7, 2017Chief, Family, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Oncle Jim, Portland SE, Portland, careers, coffee, grandparents, places, politics, J.M. LongComment
Still from A Life Aquatic, on land. JosephLongApril 15, 201760-69, Chief, Instagram, Tillamook, grandparents, MDL, 06 years oldComment
Striding into the blue unknown. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 10, 2016photograph, Stevenson, Columbia Gorge, Chief, JXIL, 60-69, grandparents, buddies, 06 years oldComment
Phosphorescent dad at beach. JosephLongMay 14, 2016Instagram, Tillamook, Video, grandparents, ocean, places, LCL, 2016Comment
In which we visit a bakery with my M.I.L. JosephLongMarch 27, 2016Portland NE, controversy, grandparents, holiday, selfie, MDL, VN, Portland, quotes, 2016, photosComment
Five things that make my heart come alive today. PHOTOGRAPH, RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongAugust 19, 2015Chief, Relationships, Sue, a portrait, anniversary, five things, grandparents, music, photograph, recommendations, MDL, JXIL, Family Comment
Print is not dead (or, sometimes a picture is worth at least twenty words). JosephLongMay 22, 201560-69, Chief, Love, a portrait, buddies, grandparents, newspaper, MDL, 07 years oldComment
Nephew. JosephLongMarch 15, 2015Chief, Guest Posts, S Serrano, Sue, birthday, grandparents, nephewComment
A man, a peeler, a legend. HOLIDAYJosephLongNovember 27, 20142014, Joseph Ivan Long, Thanksgiving, holiday, grandparents, eating, ChiefComment
I am book. JosephLongSeptember 21, 2014Chief, Countess Becca, Family, James Edward, Joseph Ivan Long, Leanna, Micael, Sue, Washougal, a portrait, books, grandparents, photograph, places, reading, really really good ideas, MDLComment
Chores and third time’s a charm. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 24, 20142014, 30-39, 34, Countess Becca, Mt. Norway, a moment, cousins, grandparents, moms, sleeping, MDL, JXIL, TWK, AKK, DN, 07 years old, 04 years oldComment
Lee Long Picasso. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 1, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, dads, grandparents, photograph, quotes, sports, MDL, Micael, 07 years old, 04 years oldComment
How I ended Father’s Day with each child. HOLIDAYJosephLongJune 15, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, Father's Day, conversations, dads, grandparents, rituals, MDL, JXIL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
YES, WE CAN VISIT YOU, BUT WE'LL ONLY BE ABLE TO STAY FOR A MONTH OR TWO. JosephLongJanuary 11, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, Friends, Portland, Sue, a portrait, grandparents, photograph, questions, quotes, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Birthday : Meilani no. 24. JosephLongDecember 30, 201320-29 years, 2013, 24, 50-59, 60-69, Chief, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, a portrait, birthday, buddies, grandparents, photograph, sisters, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
Santa in elevator in wheelchair. JosephLongDecember 25, 20132013, 60-69, Instagram, grandparents, holiday, swords, MDL, photos, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Newsprint reflektor. JosephLongNovember 16, 20132013, Chief, a portrait, advice, analog, grandparents, music, newspaper, photograph, MDLComment