FATHER'S DAY 2016 : Thank you, Becca and LeBron. JosephLongJune 19, 2016Countess Becca, Father's Day, sports, 2016 Comment
How I ended Father’s Day with each child. HOLIDAYJosephLongJune 15, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, Father's Day, conversations, dads, grandparents, rituals, MDL, JXIL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Five non-linear and discontiguous thoughts on fatherhood after six-plus years. JosephLongJune 14, 20142014, Father's Day, Relationships, conversations, dads, five things, heroes, ritualsComment
Two-part question? JosephLongJune 13, 20142014, Facebook, Father's Day, crowdsourcing, questions, dads, recommendationsComment
Conversations with Art at Jackpot Records : (Mac DeMarco, Wooden Indian Burial Grounds, Parquet Courts). JosephLongJune 14, 20132013, conversation, music, questions, conversations, Father's DayComment