Birthday : Meilani no. 24. JosephLongDecember 30, 201320-29 years, 2013, 24, 50-59, 60-69, Chief, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, a portrait, birthday, buddies, grandparents, photograph, sisters, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
A cape, a doll, a scimitar, one explosive leap into oblivion. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongDecember 29, 20132013, Mt. Norway, a moment, buddies, photograph, sports, swords, MDL, JXIL, playing, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Game of. JosephLongDecember 28, 20132013, Longx4, Portland, a portrait, photograph, self-portrait, siblings, swordsComment
Upon this rock. JosephLongDecember 27, 20132013, Instagram, Portland, buddies, swords, MDL, JXIL, photos, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Art Director in flight>>>. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 26, 2013Tom McCall Waterfront Park20-29 years, 2013, Portland, photograph, sports, J.M. Long, 21 years oldComment
Santa in elevator in wheelchair. JosephLongDecember 25, 20132013, 60-69, Instagram, grandparents, holiday, swords, MDL, photos, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
May your day be jolly. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 25, 20132013, 30-39, 34, 37, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, a moment, analog, self-portrait, MDL, JXIL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Oh Christmas tree, oh Jingle Bell Rock, in hotel bed. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 24, 20132013, Christmas, Instagram, Mt. Norway, Video, a portrait, holiday, music, photograph, MDL, JXIL, Joseph Ivan Long, Countess Becca, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
THE FAST AND THE FURY. JosephLongDecember 23, 20132013, Joseph Ivan Long, childrening, dads, sportsComment
LAST MINUTE REVISIONS OF THE ELVES. JosephLongDecember 22, 20132013, Christmas, Mt. Norway, a portrait, analog, buddies, photograph, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Someday, this advice might save your life. JosephLongDecember 19, 20132013, advice, quotes, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
Hey, that’s one of my favourite numbers two! (a breakfast conversation with my son recently, in which he dialogs with multiple people simultaneously). JosephLongDecember 18, 20132013, Star Wars, conversations, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
ELVES, PINK MARTINI, AND COLD CEREAL JosephLongDecember 17, 20132013, Christmas, Mt. Norway, a portrait, buddies, food, quotes, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
KEEP THIS IN MIND: A BRIEF SUMMARY OF MY SON'S QUESTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS ON OUR COSTCO TRIP. JosephLongDecember 16, 20132013, philosophizing, shopping, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Countess and Son. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 15, 201320-29 years, 2013, 30-39, 34, Countess Becca, Jonny L. Long, Micael, Portland, a moment, a portrait, holiday, moms, photograph, recommendations, swords, uncles, MDL, Love, Marc Gupilan, Portland NW, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
PERSONS OF INTEREST. JosephLongDecember 14, 20132013, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Leanna, Meilani, Micael, Portland, a portrait, coffee, photographComment
Oy vey! Things that broke up my frown today, and North Korea. JosephLongDecember 13, 20132013, What's in a Name?, conversations, five things, philosophizing, politics, quotes, language and words, society, JXIL, overheardComment