Still from A Life Aquatic, on land. JosephLongApril 15, 201760-69, Chief, Instagram, Tillamook, grandparents, MDL, 06 years oldComment
Lee and Jim, buddies. JosephLongApril 15, 201760-69, Chief, Instagram, Oncle Jim, Oregon, People I Admire, beach, buddiesComment
Striding into the blue unknown. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 10, 2016photograph, Stevenson, Columbia Gorge, Chief, JXIL, 60-69, grandparents, buddies, 06 years oldComment
Print is not dead (or, sometimes a picture is worth at least twenty words). JosephLongMay 22, 201560-69, Chief, Love, a portrait, buddies, grandparents, newspaper, MDL, 07 years oldComment
Explorations : Astoria. JosephLongApril 4, 201560-69, Oncle Jim, a portrait, art, photograph, uncles, MDL, 04 years old, a Shabbat adventure, 2015Comment
Bicycle race. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORS, FRIENDSHIP, CHILDHOODJosephLongAugust 30, 20142014, 60-69, Family, Lanessa Cherie, Oncle Jim, Tillamook, a portrait, art in process, bicycles, buddies, photograph, teenagers, MDL, 18-20 years old, 18 years oldComment
Lee Long Picasso. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 1, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, dads, grandparents, photograph, quotes, sports, MDL, Micael, 07 years old, 04 years oldComment
CONVERSATIONS. real estate, economics, libraries, wealth. JosephLongJuly 25, 20142014, 60-69, conversations series, strangersComment
How I ended Father’s Day with each child. HOLIDAYJosephLongJune 15, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, Father's Day, conversations, dads, grandparents, rituals, MDL, JXIL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Roald Dahl fights the Blazers vs. Spurs. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongMay 10, 20142014, 60-69, Blazers, Oncle Jim, Portland NW, Portland, Relationships, a portrait, photograph, sports, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
PLAY THERAPY (FOREVER YOUNG). JosephLongFebruary 16, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, LEGO, Relationships, Sue, a portrait, photographComment
YES, WE CAN VISIT YOU, BUT WE'LL ONLY BE ABLE TO STAY FOR A MONTH OR TWO. JosephLongJanuary 11, 20142014, 60-69, Chief, Friends, Portland, Sue, a portrait, grandparents, photograph, questions, quotes, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Birthday : Meilani no. 24. JosephLongDecember 30, 201320-29 years, 2013, 24, 50-59, 60-69, Chief, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, a portrait, birthday, buddies, grandparents, photograph, sisters, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
Santa in elevator in wheelchair. JosephLongDecember 25, 20132013, 60-69, Instagram, grandparents, holiday, swords, MDL, photos, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Five morning thoughts on Christmas, Matt Damon, and the Federal Reserve. JosephLongDecember 7, 20132013, 60-69, Chief, Christmas, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Marcus, conversations, five things, food, heroes, photograph, questions, quotes, recommendations, MDL, 03 years oldComment
Lee Long on white water rafting. JosephLongAugust 2, 20132013, 60-69, Chief, quotes, sports, hiking & the outdoorsComment
That’s what dads are for. JosephLongJuly 27, 20132013, 60-69, Chief, Leanna, childrening, dadsComment