Cheesy 80s summers. WORKJoseph LongJune 24, 20231990s, work, Tillamook, teenagers, Very Long Histories, Joseph Ivan Long Comment
A fiery Shabbat on a windy coast : 22 haiku. RELIGIONJoseph LongSeptember 10, 2022haiku, religion and spirituality, Tillamook, Lanessa Cherie, church, 2022Comment
44 Thoughts on worship and church, volume 1. RELIGIONJoseph LongApril 11, 20202020, church, Tillamook, religion and spirituality, People I Admire, haiku, x44Comment
Pretty (a rose is a rose is a buttercup). EDUCATION, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 21, 2019Inspiration(s), People I Admire, 2019, philosophizing, creative process, art, Sue, a portrait, Tillamook Comments
Regarding the notion of Place (a 17-track playlist), part I. MUSICJosephLongNovember 19, 20182016, Astoria, Countess Becca, Explore Oregon, Little Travels, Tillamook, Walla Walla, brothers, children, music, ocean, places, playlist, stories that are true, work, RN, Thanksgiving, 2018, RelationshipsComment
Conversations : Dave the gas station attendant deals with rookies, drive-offs, and lunch breaks. JosephLongOctober 10, 2017Tillamook, conversations series, workComment
Still from A Life Aquatic, on land. JosephLongApril 15, 201760-69, Chief, Instagram, Tillamook, grandparents, MDL, 06 years oldComment
Marching in my hometown. POLITICSJosephLongJanuary 21, 2017Chief, Family, Oncle Jim, Sue, Tillamook, children, childrening, parents, politics, 2017Comment
Let there be bloods. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongDecember 31, 201620-29 years, 30-39, 40-49, Family, Instagram, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Joshua, Lanessa Cherie, Leanna, Tillamook, brothers, self-portrait, siblings, sisters, J.M. LongComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS : "Bad, Bad People" (video), plus a good, good one. FRIENDSHIPJosephLongAugust 1, 2016Countess Becca, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, money, RN, coff, coffee, 30-39, 39 years, 41, Tillamook, places, buddiesComment
The Lottery. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJoseph LongJuly 29, 2016Tillamook, places, Countess Becca, RN, Relationships, sisters, 41, 36, hiking & the outdoors, TWK, AKK, cousins, 39 years, moneyComment
Boy at beach illegally using coffee cup to collect rocks. JosephLongJuly 24, 2016Oregon, beach, explorations, places, JXIL, photograph, ocean, Explore Oregon, Tillamook, 06 years oldComment
Phosphorescent dad at beach. JosephLongMay 14, 2016Instagram, Tillamook, Video, grandparents, ocean, places, LCL, 2016Comment
Explorations : Cape Wiwanda, Khal. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJune 13, 2015Tillamook, beach, cousins, photograph, places, JXIL, 2015, Oregon, 04 years old, a Shabbat adventureComment
Nineteen-year old posing with tiny people. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongMarch 28, 201519 years, Tillamook, aunties, cousins, photograph, teenagers, wrestlingComment
Bicycle race. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORS, FRIENDSHIP, CHILDHOODJosephLongAugust 30, 20142014, 60-69, Family, Lanessa Cherie, Oncle Jim, Tillamook, a portrait, art in process, bicycles, buddies, photograph, teenagers, MDL, 18-20 years old, 18 years oldComment
YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! JosephLongMay 30, 20141980s, 2014, Tillamook, food, stories that are trueComment