I am not Spock’s twin…am I? JosephLongSeptember 11, 201630-39, 39 years, Joseph Ivan Long, controversy, selfie, MDLComment
There’s always the bronze. PARENTINGJosephLongAugust 27, 201630-39, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Relationships, beach, controversy, moms, parents, 39 years, selfie, ocean, 2016, photosComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS : "Bad, Bad People" (video), plus a good, good one. FRIENDSHIPJosephLongAugust 1, 2016Countess Becca, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, money, RN, coff, coffee, 30-39, 39 years, 41, Tillamook, places, buddiesComment
The Lottery. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJoseph LongJuly 29, 2016Tillamook, places, Countess Becca, RN, Relationships, sisters, 41, 36, hiking & the outdoors, TWK, AKK, cousins, 39 years, moneyComment
Trader Joe’s travels and a little Dave Ramsey advice. JosephLongApril 8, 201630-39, 36, 39 years, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Love, money, self-portrait, JXIL, 05 years oldComment
Talking animals and a very talking child, plus librarian with pizzaz. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongSeptember 5, 2014Washougal Community Library2014, books, quotes, RN, 30-39, 39 years, JXIL, libraries, Washougal, a portrait, style, 04 years oldComment