Talking animals and a very talking child, plus librarian with pizzaz.
One of the best invitations I've heard given recently:
"Do you want to come to our house? We have all the Narnia books!"
- our son, deeply immersed in the land of the Pevensies. Also, we have the complete Series of Unfortunate Events.
Are libraries relevant anymore?
If you ask that with a straight face as a serious question, then I will take a deep breath and try to explain, and if you have an open mind then your mind will be swayed in the correct direction, and if my words sway you not and you hold resolute on a platform of idiocy, then there is nothing I can do, save continue surrounding myself with books and cool people which I can find with ease at the library. And I will strongly consider divesting myself of your unsavory presence.
Yes, they are relevant, and in case you’re wondering, I frequent the greatest little library in the Pacific Northwest, and the best library assistant in the history of library assistants sometimes helps me personally check out my stacks of books. Am I bragging?
Uh, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?
There is, in film and literature, the archetype of “the hot librarian.” Archetypes are usually based in some sort of stereotypical reality, but not usually true in totality. Except for sometimes. See above.