He ain’t heavy (thoughts regarding embarrassment and dignity). Joseph LongJune 18, 2019Jonny L. Long, birthday, 30-39, Meilani, Family, photos, People I Admire, Relationships Comment
Joseph, seven years of plenty. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongSeptember 9, 2018sisters, photograph, Countess Becca, 2018, 30-39, 40-49, 38, 43, RNComment
"To the death!” JosephLongFebruary 15, 201730-39, Countess Becca, Instagram, Longx5, competition, quotes, selfieComment
Let there be bloods. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongDecember 31, 201620-29 years, 30-39, 40-49, Family, Instagram, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Joshua, Lanessa Cherie, Leanna, Tillamook, brothers, self-portrait, siblings, sisters, J.M. LongComment
Dude versus Elf. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 7, 201630-39, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, Mt. Norway, books, reading, self-portrait, MDLComment
Faves (in which I ponder some favourite things while hunting and illegally going back for seconds on free hot chocolate). JosephLongDecember 4, 201630-39, 40-49, AKK, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, TWK, cousins, self-portrait, MDL, RN, poem, 09 years old, 06 years oldComment
In which we hang out in Oregon City. HOLIDAYJosephLongDecember 3, 201630-39, 37, 40, 40-49, Christmas, Countess Becca, Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, self-portrait, 2016Comment
In the midnight hour : Election Day JosephLongNovember 8, 201630-39, 40, 40-49, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Longx4, libraries, music, playlist, politics, MDL, photosComment
I am not Spock’s twin…am I? JosephLongSeptember 11, 201630-39, 39 years, Joseph Ivan Long, controversy, selfie, MDLComment
There’s always the bronze. PARENTINGJosephLongAugust 27, 201630-39, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Relationships, beach, controversy, moms, parents, 39 years, selfie, ocean, 2016, photosComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS : "Bad, Bad People" (video), plus a good, good one. FRIENDSHIPJosephLongAugust 1, 2016Countess Becca, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, money, RN, coff, coffee, 30-39, 39 years, 41, Tillamook, places, buddiesComment
The joy formidable. OUTDOORS, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 3, 2016Countess Becca, RN, sisters, 41, 36, hiking & the outdoors, 30-39, 40-49, buddiesComment
Trader Joe’s travels and a little Dave Ramsey advice. JosephLongApril 8, 201630-39, 36, 39 years, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Love, money, self-portrait, JXIL, 05 years oldComment
The falls of Lucia. OUTDOORSJosephLongApril 2, 201630-39, 36, Countess Becca, places, hiking & the outdoorsComment
I only throw my wife under buses on special occasions. JosephLongNovember 8, 201530-39, Christmas, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Relationships, controversy, conversations, musicComment
Death metal, happy hippie version. JosephLongNovember 5, 201530-39, Countess Becca, Relationships, musicComment
Is this love? / this is love. JosephLongOctober 17, 201530-39, Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Love, Relationships, automobile, controversy, travelComment
In which a great expedition is undertaken to the highest mountaintops. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongSeptember 5, 2015hiking & the outdoors, Countess Becca, RN, 30-39, 40, 40-49, Columbia Gorge, places, cousinsComment
An education (Finnish what you start). PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORS, EDUCATIONJosephLongAugust 22, 201530-39, 35, Countess Becca, Mt. Norway, a portrait, explorations, moms, sports, MDL, education and learning, 08 years oldComment
Becca and the biker boys. JosephLongAugust 21, 201530-39, Countess Becca, Relationships, sportsComment