Car whiz (if I get big someday). CHILDHOODJoseph LongFebruary 25, 20222022, a Friday, conflict, brothers, 11 years old, 05 years old, Mt. Norway, controversyComment
Nothing says Christmas like…a burrito. JosephLongDecember 10, 2018Christmas, Mt. Norway, children, eating, food, 01-02 years oldComment
Some days the dream is dead, or hibernating. JosephLongDecember 5, 201842, Joseph Ivan Long, Mt. Norway, dads, goals, parentsComment
Nothing says Christmas like…a self-portrait after feeding goats. JosephLongDecember 4, 201842, Christmas, Joseph Ivan Long, Mt. Norway, self-portraitComment
Homeschool, a day in the life : what I plan to happen, what actually happens. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongOctober 24, 2018school 2018-19, homeschool, Mt. Norway, education and learningComment
EDUCATION : Even your bizarre teacher. EDUCATION, CHILDHOODJoseph LongSeptember 7, 2018Mt. Norway, Washougal, homeschool, school 2018-19, language and words, siblings, education and learning Comments
The character trait of adventure. JosephLongSeptember 5, 2018Mt. Norway, Very Little Adventures, childrening, grade 3, grade 6, homeschool, photograph, school 2018-19, siblings, hiking & the outdoorsComment
That which is beautiful. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORSJoseph LongAugust 23, 2018five things, 2018, photograph, style, EVEL, MDL, AKK, Countess Becca, Mt. Norway, cousins, TWK, JXIL, hiking & the outdoors, RN, 01-02 years oldComment
When we say goodbye with a smile in the forest and our hearts are ripped by something, probably a stupid branch. PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 12, 2018forest, a portrait, Family, VN, Countess Becca, cousins, RN, photograph, philosophizing, Relationships, Mt. NorwayComment
Codependency. JosephLongJune 22, 2018Inspiration(s), Mt. Norway, childrening, philosophizing, 2018Comment
The day is wrong. JosephLongJune 14, 2018Family, Friends, Love, Mt. Norway, Relationships, cousins, poem, travel, RNComment
A letter to almost-big people. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, FRIENDSHIPJosephLongApril 26, 2018Mt. Norway, advice, food, photograph, siblings, MDL, EVEL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
POEM : The wipers are broken. JosephLongApril 24, 2018Instagram, Mt. Norway, Video, early childhood development, poem, sleeping, EVEL, 01-02 years oldComment
Then everything goes downhill. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongApril 20, 2018Mt. Norway, children, quotes, siblings, childrening, JXIL, EVEL, MDL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Chomsky ain't the only thing, kid. BOOKS, CHILDHOODJoseph LongMarch 2, 2018reading, books, EVEL, Mt. Norway, politics, 01-02 years oldComment
Date night / Laundry night. JosephLongDecember 5, 2017Christmas, Long holiday 2017, Longx5, Mt. Norway, self-portrait, MDL, JXIL, EVELComment
Unreleased production still from untitled Toy Story 4 film.. JosephLongNovember 10, 2017Mt. Norway, EVEL, 00-01 year oldComment
Speakers for the fringe. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongNovember 4, 2017Countess Becca, Mt. Norway, forest, list, moms, siblings, style, photograph, buddies, hiking & the outdoors, JXIL, a portrait, 00-01 year old, 07 years old, 10 years old, 2017, ThanksgivingComment
Caesar non supra grammaticos. JosephLongNovember 1, 2017Mt. Norway, homeschool, school, MDL, EVEL, dads, education and learning, 00-01 year oldComment
I am I am I am a Gertrude Stein. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongOctober 27, 2017Mt. Norway, Writers, analog, poem, siblings, EVEL, photograph, hiking & the outdoors, haiku, 00-01 year oldComment