Just Asking : Thoughts on Civics, Character and Elections. PARENTING, POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 4, 20242024, politics, early childhood development, teachingComment
You are needed now (the day after Election Day 2016). POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 2, 20242016, 2024, politics, RelationshipsComment
Shoutout to Dr. Oz (and you too, Tim Ryan). POLITICSJoseph LongNovember 10, 2022politics, 2022, People I AdmireComment
Why Ferdinand is one of the most important books every parent can read. BOOKSJoseph LongOctober 27, 2022books, recommendations, parents and children, 2022, childrening, politicsComment
We're going down : guns, troubles, Ireland, evangelical fundraisers. RELIGIONJoseph LongOctober 8, 20222022, work, church, Joseph Ivan Long, conversations, religion and spirituality, politics, a SaturdayComment
Bob (my grandpa was a…) POETRYJoseph LongSeptember 25, 2022Bob Becraft, memory, poem, 2022, The Dearly Departed, People I Admire, 2012, politics, religion and spirituality, Relationships Comment
Gospel choose (a manifesto in rhyme). POLITICS, PARENTINGJoseph LongApril 13, 20222022, poem, politics, religion and spirituality, manifesto, Greatest Song Ever Comment
‘Keep your spirit strong, your mind nimble, and your principles consistent.’ EDUCATION, POLITICSJoseph LongFebruary 28, 2022Skatepark School, 2022, school 2021-22, politics, education and learningComment
‘Preserve dignity in small ways.’ EDUCATIONJoseph LongFebruary 7, 20222022, Skatepark School, politics, school 2021-22, strangers, religion and spirituality, society, conflictComment
They're out to get us. POLITICSJoseph LongJanuary 17, 2022holiday, 2022, politics, religion and spiritualityComment
'Get mad at those in power first.’ EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongOctober 11, 2021Skatepark School, 2021, parents and children, politics, advice, school 2021-22Comment
'Worry well, worry wisely.’ EDUCATION, CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongOctober 4, 20212021, Skatepark School, photograph, school 2021-22, education and learning, homeschool, Coronavirus, religion and spirituality, EVEL, EZ, 02 years old, 04 years old, politics, librariesComment
Upon which time as we shall distance ourselves from the ignoble truths of our present existence. CHILDHOODJoseph LongAugust 2, 20212021, parents, brothers, EVEL, JXIL, playing, 11 years old, 04 years old, politics, siblings, conversationsComment
Unfortunately I brought Jesus into it. Joseph LongJanuary 27, 20212021, EVEL, sleeping, religion and spirituality, conversations, politics, history, 04 years oldComment
He fought. POLITICS, RELIGIONJoseph LongJanuary 18, 2021politics, heroes, religion and spirituality, controversy, 2021 Comments
Journal entry for Wednesday, January 6, 2021: Joseph LongJanuary 7, 20212021, politics, JXIL, foodComment
Assault (here’s what betraying your country looks like). POLITICSJoseph LongJanuary 6, 20212021, politics, philosophizing Comment
Tabula rasa (11 moments). CHILDHOOD, SUMMARYJoseph LongDecember 16, 2020early childhood development, 2020, 03 years old, x11, 13 years old, 10 years old, 01-02 years old, politicsComment