Thanos needs a hug, not a twin. CHILDHOODJoseph LongNovember 22, 20242024, a Friday, 07 years old, 14 years old, teenagers, a day in the life, JXIL, school 2024-25, homeschoolComment
Regarding nature and fine music. JosephLongMay 24, 2018Battle Ground, Instagram, Very Little Adventures, brothers, EVEL, JXIL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 2018Comment
Leif & Leonidas. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongApril 28, 2018Columbia Gorge, brothers, controversy, siblings, sports, JXIL, a moment, EVEL, hiking & the outdoors, 01-02 years old, 07 years oldComment
A letter to almost-big people. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, FRIENDSHIPJosephLongApril 26, 2018Mt. Norway, advice, food, photograph, siblings, MDL, EVEL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Then everything goes downhill. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongApril 20, 2018Mt. Norway, children, quotes, siblings, childrening, JXIL, EVEL, MDL, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Happy Easter, world. CHILDHOOD, FRIENDSHIP, BOOKSJoseph LongMarch 31, 2018cousins, AKK, photograph, JXIL, EVEL, religion and spirituality, 01-02 years old, 07 years old, 08 years oldComment
Boy in chair. CHILDHOODJosephLongFebruary 12, 2018Starbucks, art by JXIL, poem, a snippet of life, artmaking, 07 years oldComment
Once we were rich. RELATIONSHIPSJoseph LongFebruary 7, 2018money, conversations, JXIL, controversy, Relationships, 07 years old, 2018Comment
OVERHEARD. toilets and chores. JosephLongJanuary 24, 2018Relationships, overheard, siblings, work, 07 years oldComment
Shopping with elves. JosephLongDecember 15, 2017Boys, Christmas, books, shopping, 00-01 year old, 07 years oldComment
What child is ____? CHILDHOOD, EDUCATIONJosephLongNovember 28, 2017Fly View Aerial, Writers, school, JXIL, language and words, homeschool, education and learning, 07 years oldComment
A portrait of positivity. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongNovember 15, 2017siblings, photograph, 00-01 year old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Speakers for the fringe. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongNovember 4, 2017Countess Becca, Mt. Norway, forest, list, moms, siblings, style, photograph, buddies, hiking & the outdoors, JXIL, a portrait, 00-01 year old, 07 years old, 10 years old, 2017, ThanksgivingComment
OVERHEARD. chocolate, protein, and serving sizes. JosephLongOctober 16, 2017children, food, 07 years oldComment
DOTDOTDOTDASHDASHDASHDOTDOTDOT REAL FAST. CHILDHOOD, PARENTINGJosephLongOctober 9, 2017language and words, JXIL, childrening, education and learning, 07 years oldComment
Mandate. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongOctober 2, 2017bicycles, philosophizing, sports, hiking & the outdoors, JXIL, 07 years oldComment
Thoughts on competition. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongSeptember 30, 2017Washougal, competition, places, siblings, sports, MDL, hiking & the outdoors, 2017, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
He is heavy, and he is his brother. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongSeptember 18, 2017Battle Ground, a portrait, brothers, siblings, JXIL, EVEL, hiking & the outdoors, 2017, 00-01 year old, 07 years oldComment
Two days from yesterday might be better though. PHOTOGRAPH, CHILDHOODJosephLongSeptember 16, 2017Mt. Norway, siblings, style, MDL, EVEL, photograph, 2017, 00-01 year old, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment
Help, they’re reading too much. JosephLongSeptember 1, 2017Instagram, Mt. Norway, books, reading, MDL, 07 years old, 10 years oldComment