Shopping with elves. JosephLongDecember 15, 2017Boys, Christmas, books, shopping, 00-01 year old, 07 years oldComment
Baby bjorns, Gorillapods, sponsorships? JosephLongApril 28, 2017Instagram, Joseph Ivan Long, Vancouver, dads, food, selfie, shopping, EVEL, 2017, 00-01 year oldComment
KEEP THIS IN MIND: A BRIEF SUMMARY OF MY SON'S QUESTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS ON OUR COSTCO TRIP. JosephLongDecember 16, 20132013, philosophizing, shopping, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Not chips off the old block, but you can always re-program. JosephLongJuly 12, 20132013, 40-49, Joseph Ivan Long, banter, controversy, food, shopping, stories that are true, strangersComment
The unrestrictive construction of constrictors in shopping cart, and yes, let’s find poisonous bugs. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, QUOTEJosephLongMay 10, 20132013, Jonny L. Long, Leanna, Meilani, a portrait, art in process, buddies, forest, holiday, music, photograph, questions, recommendations, shopping, swords, MDL, conversations, JXIL, 02 years old, 05 years oldComment
I'm sure she's fine, unless... CHILDHOODJoseph LongDecember 23, 20122012, Countess Becca, MDL, shopping, conversationsComment
September the 30th (the sun pranced in for goodbye) JosephLongOctober 2, 2011Adventure Log, Inspiration(s), Leanna, Photography, Portland, a portrait, animals, city, places, shopping, MDL, gender and identity, Countess Becca Comments
If you see the third one, you’ve gone too far. JosephLongJuly 12, 2011Joseph Ivan Long, conversation, money, shopping, MDL, 03-05 years old Comments
Holiday Nonsense JosephLongDecember 17, 20102010, Christmas, Longx4, coffee, holiday, places, shopping, MDL, gender and identity, Countess Becca, photos, 03 years old Comments