If you can get Jack from John you can get this from that. QUOTEJosephLongMay 5, 20142014, What's in a Name?, JXIL, quotes, 03 years oldComment
Probably the best definition you’ll ever hear of a bagel, and boring hate. CHILDHOOD, QUOTEJosephLongJanuary 23, 20142014, conversations, food, politics, quotes, MDL, language and words, society, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
The unrestrictive construction of constrictors in shopping cart, and yes, let’s find poisonous bugs. CHILDHOOD, PHOTOGRAPH, QUOTEJosephLongMay 10, 20132013, Jonny L. Long, Leanna, Meilani, a portrait, art in process, buddies, forest, holiday, music, photograph, questions, recommendations, shopping, swords, MDL, conversations, JXIL, 02 years old, 05 years oldComment