When I walk in the night or drive in the day. JosephLongFebruary 9, 201920-29 years, brothers, conversations, music, travel, J.M. LongComment
I will be 50 in nine years, but my wife is almost 21. JosephLongMarch 14, 201720-29 years, 50-59, Joseph Ivan Long, controversy, politics, quotes, MDL, JXILComment
Let there be bloods. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongDecember 31, 201620-29 years, 30-39, 40-49, Family, Instagram, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, Joshua, Lanessa Cherie, Leanna, Tillamook, brothers, self-portrait, siblings, sisters, J.M. LongComment
What do you bring? PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongNovember 24, 2016J.M. Long, Lanessa Cherie, a portrait, photograph, 24, 20-29 years, music, People I Admire, 18-20 years oldComment
BIRTHDAY : Jonny and a beard. JosephLongJune 17, 201620-29 years, Jonny L. Long, birthday, coffee, MDL, 08 years oldComment
Guest post : A wedding. JosephLongJune 18, 201520-29 years, Jonny L. Long, brothers, events, work, photos, 2015, eventComment
Mom’s Day. JosephLongMay 10, 201520-29 years, Countess Becca, Love, holiday, moms, self-portrait, VN, RN, Mt. Norway, photos, a portraitComment
Guest post : Jonny and Joseph in Utah. WORKJosephLongMay 7, 201520-29 years, Fly View Aerial, Guest Posts, Jonny L. Long, Love, Relationships, Very Long Media, Video, brothers, conversations, travel, work, 2015Comment
Coming up fast. JosephLongDecember 28, 201420-29 years, 2014, Long holiday 2014, holiday, uncles, J.M. LongComment
In which we are joined by a musician. JosephLongDecember 26, 201420-29 years, Instagram, Long holiday 2014, Longx4, self-portrait, uncles, J.M. LongComment
Five emergency room stats you need to know, plus three brothers. JosephLongNovember 26, 201420-29 years, 2014, 30-39, Jonny L. Long, Joseph Ivan Long, a portrait, brothers, buddies, five things, food, MDL, J.M. Long, 07 years old, 04 years old, ThanksgivingComment
Strawberry fields forevs. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 31, 201420-29 years, 2014, holiday, photograph, sports, uncles, MDL, J.M. Long, 07 years old, 21 years oldComment
Independence for all-ish. HOLIDAY, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJuly 4, 201420-29 years, 2014, beach, buddies, holiday, music, politics, swords, uncles, photograph, Jonny L. Long, JXIL, Independence Day, Family, 04 years oldComment
Joan Jett (I hate rock and roll). PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJune 12, 201420-29 years, 2014, 30-39, Countess Becca, Householding, Mt. Norway, a portrait, childrening, moms, music, photograph, uncles, work, J.M. LongComment
Mt. Vernon. CHILDHOODJosephLongFebruary 22, 2014Desolation Pass20-29 years, 2014, 26 years, 30-39, Jonny L. Long, Leanna, Meilani, Micael, a portrait, aunties, photograph, places, uncles, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
A CONVERSATION ABOUT LUKE AND LEIA. JosephLongFebruary 15, 201420-29 years, 2014, 26 years, Facebook, Jonny L. Long, Star Wars, Video, controversy, conversations, uncles, MDLComment
Homage to Luc Besson, Jean Reno, and Jonny “Louis” Long. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongFebruary 3, 201420-29 years, 2014, Jonny L. Long, a portrait, photograph, uncles, MDL, JXIL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Birthday : Meilani no. 24. JosephLongDecember 30, 201320-29 years, 2013, 24, 50-59, 60-69, Chief, Family, Friends, Jonny L. Long, Meilani, a portrait, birthday, buddies, grandparents, photograph, sisters, swords, JXIL, 03 years oldComment
Art Director in flight>>>. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongDecember 26, 2013Tom McCall Waterfront Park20-29 years, 2013, Portland, photograph, sports, J.M. Long, 21 years oldComment