Eventually (reflections on travel, family, food, and anniversaries). SUMMARYJoseph LongOctober 4, 2022x44, a Weekend, 2022, Little Travels, travel, The Blythe Cricket, RN, cousins, AKK, grandparents, VN, DN, Columbia GorgeComment
Paris, I will love you. Joseph LongOctober 21, 2021Little Travels, travel, 2021, strangers, conversations, Coronavirus, 45, Lanessa Cherie, FranceComment
Regarding the notion of Place (a 17-track playlist), part I. MUSICJosephLongNovember 19, 20182016, Astoria, Countess Becca, Explore Oregon, Little Travels, Tillamook, Walla Walla, brothers, children, music, ocean, places, playlist, stories that are true, work, RN, Thanksgiving, 2018, RelationshipsComment
VIDEO : Everything is not awesomeous (But Stevenson, WA is). FILMJosephLongAugust 19, 2016Columbia Gorge, Little Travels, Stevenson, Video, events, 2016, places, The GorgeComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS : "Bad, Bad People" (video), plus a good, good one. FRIENDSHIPJosephLongAugust 1, 2016Countess Becca, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, money, RN, coff, coffee, 30-39, 39 years, 41, Tillamook, places, buddiesComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS: Insurcountable (Neskowin, Depot Bay, Oregon Coast) video JosephLongJuly 31, 2016Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, travel, MDL, 2016Comment
LITTLE TRAVELS : Tillamook, Rockaway, Oregon Coast whistling with my Dad JosephLongJuly 23, 2016Little Travels, Video, YouTube, dads, oceanComment
Bumped (aeroplane travel with my daughter). JosephLongApril 25, 2011Joseph Ivan Long, Little Travels, a snippet of life, eating, strangers, travel, MDL, 03 years old, 2011, dads, LoveComment