Conversations : Fast food iced coffee, Schnauzers, how to be alone. JosephLongJuly 6, 2018Oregon, coffee, conversations series, 2018Comment
If only there was a zipline. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORSJosephLongMay 21, 2017Columbia Gorge, Instagram, Oregon, places, MDL, JXIL, hiking & the outdoors, 06 years oldComment
Friends (Iwata and crew). JosephLongApril 29, 2017Friends, Hood River, Instagram, Oregon, a portrait, food, places, selfie, 06 years oldComment
Lee and Jim, buddies. JosephLongApril 15, 201760-69, Chief, Instagram, Oncle Jim, Oregon, People I Admire, beach, buddiesComment
Jim Thorpe. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongAugust 5, 2016Olympics, Oregon, beach, events, sports, MDL, 2016, 09 years oldComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS : "Bad, Bad People" (video), plus a good, good one. FRIENDSHIPJosephLongAugust 1, 2016Countess Becca, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, money, RN, coff, coffee, 30-39, 39 years, 41, Tillamook, places, buddiesComment
VERY LITTLE TRAVELS: Insurcountable (Neskowin, Depot Bay, Oregon Coast) video JosephLongJuly 31, 2016Countess Becca, Joseph Ivan Long, Little Travels, Oregon, Video, beach, travel, MDL, 2016Comment
Boy at beach illegally using coffee cup to collect rocks. JosephLongJuly 24, 2016Oregon, beach, explorations, places, JXIL, photograph, ocean, Explore Oregon, Tillamook, 06 years oldComment
EXPLORATIONS : Hood River, and two very different thoughts on childhood. CHILDHOOD, OUTDOORS, PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJuly 11, 2015The Gorge, explorations, swords, MDL, JXIL, places, Oregon, Explore Oregon, 05 years old, a Shabbat adventureComment
Explorations : Cape Wiwanda, Khal. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongJune 13, 2015Tillamook, beach, cousins, photograph, places, JXIL, 2015, Oregon, 04 years old, a Shabbat adventureComment
Of course there’s no coded agenda here. PHOTOGRAPH, OUTDOORS, CHILDHOODJosephLongMarch 3, 20142014, Spying, a portrait, buddies, forest, philosophizing, photograph, politics, siblings, sports, swords, JXIL, Mt. Norway, James Edward, Oregon, People I Admire, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Flume (and the importance of being earnest). MUSICJosephLongOctober 25, 20122008, Greatest Song Ever, music, 2012, beach, Oregon, creative processComment