What has changed in my lifetime : notes on technology & society from an interview with my daughter. EDUCATION, PARENTINGJoseph LongJune 6, 20232023, MDL, soci, documentary, life documentation, Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, 46, 15 years old, historyComment
CONVERSATIONS : DJ discusses privileged information. JosephLongMay 2, 2019Interesting People, Interview, conversations, music, pop culture, J.M. Long Comment
THREE - in which I chat with my son about art & wolves while eating snacks. JosephLongFebruary 11, 20142014, 30-39, 37, Interview, Video, childrening, dads, food, MDL, 03 years oldComment
A very short interview with our three-year old son about Hayley Mills, etc. PHOTOGRAPHJosephLongNovember 6, 20131965, 2013, Family, Interview, James Edward, Jonny L. Long, Pryer, a portrait, music, photograph, MDL, J.M. Long, 03 years oldComment
In Which I Chat With My Son About Getting Older and About Appropriate Role Models JosephLongOctober 29, 20132013, Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, Star Wars, conversations, heroes, MDL, 03 years oldComment
A Five-Question Chat with Our Three-Year Old Son JosephLongOctober 29, 2013Interview, Joseph Ivan Long, childrening, five things, food, swords, MDL, gender and identity, mythical creatures, 03 years oldComment
Interview with a 2- and 6-year old. CHILDHOODJoseph LongJune 11, 20132013, early childhood development, Interview, JXIL, MDL, 06 years old, 02 years oldComment
INTERVIEW: A chat with an-almost three-year old about his future JosephLongMay 13, 20132013, Interesting People, Interview, Star Wars, MDL, 02 years oldComment