Stolen thunder.

I danced into the room giddily, a small moment of joy I was eager to share. “Guess what everyone?!” I said…

…and in saying “guess what,” I was not actually inviting guesses. I felt that was implied and apparent.


I continued without interruption. “I know the next film we’re going to watch and I’m so excited!”

Again, these are little happenings that I get excited about. I love cinema, and I love surprises, and I love sharing things I love with people I love, so it felt good.

Our daughter looked at me calmly, and I could tell that the tiny surprise I was holding out was about to be abruptly revealed prematurely. But she doesn’t really know, I thought.

She looked at me calmly, intensely, her 12-year old eyes boring into my head, which is mine, not hers.

“Is the film you’re referring to,” she said calmly, “Little Women?”

I looked at her, shaking my head in disgust.

”I’m referring, of course,” she said, “to Greta Gerwig’s adaptation. Am I correct?”

She allowed herself a slight smile. I did not.

“It’s just,” she said maddeningly, mysteriously, accurately, “an educated guess.”

Why did I ever teach them how to educated guess?