This is 46.

I am tired more. My body needs more sleep, or thinks it does.

I don’t pivot from one thing to another as quickly or effectively.

I connect with Emily Dickinson and her preoccupation with Death. Not in an unhealthy way, in the sense of mortality, legacy, and how to prioritize the time we have - whatever that is.

Things I struggle with: patience, more so, as I get older and dreams are deferred, and the same tasks and things are recurring, including many that feel like they don’t need to be recurring.

It’s difficult to see and know peers taking their vacations and travel, pursuing secondary side gigs or businesses or investments, and still fighting to keep going, keep heads above water, and keep mouths fed.

Coffee overconsumption: it’s the first year I’ve started to notice the effects if I drink too much or too late.

There are times where it feels like lose-lose. It feels like more of those than a decade ago sometimes.


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