This is the Long Version, episode 005
Five episodes in. Thank you so much for listening!
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This episode clocks in at 44 minutes.
It’s a little different. Different in the sense that I cover few topics, and provide fewer explanations and prologues, and different in the sense that it’s shorter. I’m still playing around with length and structure. Let me know what you think!
01:10 Literature
”The Taming of the Shrew”
I talk about why you should read The Bard and then launch into my own gateway version of “The Taming of the Shrew,” along with extensive commentary and rantings throughout.
15:40 Science
“Stars, pt. 2”
No black holes this week, but something super important for you to know about the sun. Spoiler alert: you really should start referring to the sun as “a medium-sized main sequence yellow dwarf star.” It’s just simpler that way.
21:10 Religion
Judaism, Ch. 6 “Rise of the United Kingdom”
We continue Judaism 101 with Chapter 6 and the arrival in the Promised Land, which is a bit anticlimactic, considered I casually inform you that the Twelve Tribes have changed command since Moses died. In broad brushstrokes, we fly through Saul, David, and Solomon. But don’t worry: I’ve got mini-biographies for them coming up.
23:30 Conversations
“Ralph the Tech Kids talks 15 inches and $3 million”
I tell the story of a conversation I had in a coffee shop a few years ago with a kid in his 70s I call Ralph, and our dialog about technology and the state of real estate in California and Arizona. Somewhere in there I throw in a reference to hyperloops.
34:40 The creative process / art + culture
”Cybernet and the secrecy of recipes”
I talk about my wife’s favourite art in the kitchen, and foray into thoughts on art, stealing, the creative process, Sabbath and rest, privacy, and various musings on how we choose to share with others. Somehow they’re all sort of tied together.
42:28 Wrapping things up
I remind you to go find Jeremy M. Long on the interwebs, and acknowledge my brother Jonny for letting me throw him under the bus in the previous segment (see: Cyberdyne)
Thank you and see you next episode!
43:58 The End.
Thanks for listening!
Listen to Episode 001 of This is the Long Version
Listen to Episode 002 of This is the Long Version
Listen to Episode 003 of This is the Long Version
Listen to Episode 004 of This is the Long Version