This is the Long Version, episode 012 : Election
The election is almost here. I tell a couple stories about conversations with various strangers and people about race, politics, and reasons why Donald Trump should probably not be reelected.
Thanks for listening!
00:00:00 Introduction.
Some of it may be humorous and illuminating. Other portions may be ponderous and rambling. And other portions may simply sound like the final attempts of someone thoughtfully trying to help just one more person vote in next week’s election. Also, my one-year is sleeping on my back for most of the episode, until he wakes up and joins the conversation. Also, I briefly refer to that one guy from the New Testament that had a lot of great ideas about people and relationships. Jesus was his name.
I also come up with a nifty acronym for the qualities I especially desire our next leader to possess:
R is for Respect and Reverence
E is for Empathy
M is for Motivation
I is for Integrity, Inspiration, Innovation
N is for Neutral and Ntellect (sorry)
D is for Discretion and Wisdom
00:54:17 Lengthy pauses as I gather my thoughts and limp to the finish line.
Thanks for listening, and thank you to Jeremy M. Long, as always, for helping out with the mix!
Until next, love y’all.