Fankle news number 1.

I will be commenting on Uncle Jonny's Survival List tonight. I am overjoyed that I have raised a brother who has taken my teachings to heart.

Go to his blog at

If you would like to buy a print of this image (4x6), you may order one for $4.45. All proceeds will go toward Daughter's College Fund and/or her father's plasma television, whichever seems more relevant to general family happiness in the next 12 months.

A limited run of 500,000 will be sold, so order NOW.

NOTE: there will be upcoming news about the new magazine I've been asked to launch. It's entitled "Fankle" and is geared towards new fathers and uncles, and people who like to Spy.

Seriously, it is going to be the Must-Get subscription, once it's out.

Peace, but pack a survival kit and watch Red Dawn.

Joseph I. Long, Editor-at-Large,

Fankle Magazine