Overheard, and farewell, Robin Williams.

Watching Hook tonight in Mr. Williams' honor. Here's to you, Robin. If there's any celebrity this side of Bill Cosby who felt like they could be family when I was growing up, it woulda been him.

So sad. In my heart, I know you were funny.


(television spoiler ahead).
I strained to hear the woman as she alternated between her phone and her friend next to her:

"I watched the finale of Secret Life of the American Teenager last night. It was horrible. I hated it so much. In the end, she left her four-year old son so she could go back to school. I was so mad. I can't believe they can even put that on TV. I can't believe I even watched that show."

I went to Wikipedia and it appears that it was not only the season 5 closer, but
the Series finale. So, that's one more show I can cross off my Never Need to See Now That I Know the Ending List. Whew.

And I was debating starting either that or The Wire next...