A tiny big little moment involving a sister and a coffee.
My sis, on the left, with her bud Mindy.
A lot of things in life are not about being "The Best." But let me tell you about yesterday, and then see if you agree with my assertion that I do, in fact, have The Best Sisters in the World. I have two, and this is about the one who brought me coffee unexpectedly.
Spoiler alert: that’s what made me so happy in the end. She brought me coffee.
But previous to that, I raced out the door in the morning as Becca was rousing the children into action. No coffee, no food, no nothing. Two classes on a completely empty stomach. Not looking forward to that prospect. And then, who should swing by, but the dazzling Student Association President, also known as my sister, and she had…
…coffee. For me. A better day she could not have chosen.
Unsolicited, unasked for, a surprise of the tiny sort that was big.
And appreciated.
Thank you, co-best sister.