Valerie Plame (DJ update).
A number of people have been asking for a follow-up about a piece I wrote a while back. This was about an individual I interviewed who asked not to be publicly revealed. That post is called
“DJ discusses privileged information” (opens in new page)
I identified this individual only as “DJ,” and will continue to do so. I will continue to use the pronoun “It,” if that is acceptable, as I don’t wish to provide any details that could provide opportunity to unmask him.
A very fast update of that piece from May 2, 2019 : DJ contacted me over the phone a few minutes ago to let me know of Its future plans:
to become a world-class rock climber.
It was concerned about the impact this could have in other areas of Its life, as he is a public figure, and there could be adverse consequences to revealing a sudden shift in focus. I assured It that I considered this to be privileged information, and would perform the hiding of its identity to the very depths of my ability, and even higher.
DJ and its companion, which I will refer to as “DJ’s Companion.”
And I have. I’ve had many pressing and pressuring me to reveal who “DJ” is, but my resolve has faltered not a penny. I have held the course and stayed strong, and out of appreciation for the beautiful piece I wrote about It, DJ contacted me to provide an update on its rock climbing career.
“I went last night.”
DJ said.
”Rock climbing.”
I want to be very careful about providing the exact words it used in our short conversation, because since then there has been such an outpouring of interest in who It is that I am loathe to provide further details, including Its speaking style. The main gist of what It said was that It is still pursuing the dream of becoming a world-class rock climber, and as of last night, has now gone twice.
DJ asked for my thoughts on how much you needed to go in order to become a world-class rock climber, and I told It that I’ve read a lot of Malcolm Gladwell, and based on my understanding of how long it takes to get really good at something, it would probably take at least one more time to be considered world-class.
I could hear the disappointment in Its breathing over the phone, but it agreed that going twice was probably not, in fact, enough for people to consider someone a world-class rock climber.
“Three’s the magic number,” I said.
I did not say this, but I thought it afterwards and felt it would be a good thing I could have said.
We talked for another minute about the challenges of keeping secrets in today’s society and surveillance state, and I promised I would not divulge any further information about Its identity. A handful of people I was unable to avoid were in close proximity and kept screaming out the alleged identity. I calmly carried on protecting secrets and not divulging information I’ve promised not to divulge, which is what I do, and don’t do.
“Love you,” I said, and
hung up.
I will keep you posted, as I am able, and as it is safe. Please keep DJ in your good thoughts and good prayers as It embarks on this perilous journey to become world class at rock climbing.
Until then,
Joseph “Woodward” Long out.