Sunday Night Cinema

I don't remember what day it usually aired, but I clearly remember watching The Disney Sunday Night Movie when I was around ten years old. The B.R.A.T. Patrol. The North Avenue Irregulars. And...those are actually the only ones I remember. They were hosted by Disney CEO Michael Eisner, who was an interesting choice to be in front of the camera, in the sense of not being a very interesting person in front of the camera (I have heard that he nixed Tom Hanks as host - "too young").

We decided to start our own little Sunday night cinema ritual. Hot dogs, picnic spread, and Father of the Bride. We went with Steve Martin's 1991 version for one reason: we have a copy on VHS. Found it buried between my 8-tracks and typewriter ribbon. Woulda been nice to start with the Spencer Tracy original, but Steve does a splendid job as hapless 'father of the bride' George Banks. Reminds me so much - so much - of my dad sometimes.
Right then, I realized my day had passed. But not in the same way. I was no longer the man in my little girl's life. I was like an old shoe, the kind we manufacture...and get all excited about and then after a few years discontinue. She'll always love me, of course.  
Magdelana informed me a few days ago that "I am never getting married."
I said Okay. Why is that?
As she ran away to the forest, she shouted over her shoulder,
"Silly, I'm going to live with you and Mama forever!"
I will probably be a little more George Banks than I think...someday. And a little more like my dad. Funny how those things work.