I am not a failure?
My daughter shrieked.
"Uncle Josh is building a playground in his backyard, and all you're building us is a treehouse!!"
I said thoughtfully.
Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
Regarding sequels
The Godfather II and Aliens rightfully deserve to be heralded as sequels that bested the originals, but let's not also forget The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again, which certainly raises the bar set by its predecessor.
One more thing
“Can we name the baby ‘Rachmaninoff?’”
our three-year old asked.
Not this time.
I said.
Other 2014 posts
Conversations : new year, parents, airsoft.
PARENTINGJosephLong2014, Joshua, competition, forts, quotes, recommendations, uncles, dads, What's in a Name?Comment