Sew I say, ‘sure we can.’ JosephLongJune 11, 2011conversation, dads, sewing, MDL, DIY and making stuff, arts and crafts, 03-05 years old, 03 years old, parents and children, 2011, art by MDL, a Friday Comments
Why / How JosephLongDecember 13, 20102010, PAA, a portrait, artmaking, childrening, dads, early childhood development, philosophizing, sewing, MDL, education and learning, Countess Becca, photos, 03 years oldComment
Sew What JosephLongJune 11, 20102010, Joseph Ivan Long, artmaking, conversation, dads, sewing, MDL, arts and crafts, photos, 03 years old Comment
Sewing Ginger. JosephLongMay 29, 20101st time..., 2010, animals, artmaking, sewing, toys, MDL, arts and crafts, dads, photosComment