Where in the world are you, Matt? or, I wish I was successful enough to leave $20 tips for the baristas. RELATIONSHIPS, MUSICJosephLongDecember 21, 2011Interesting People, music, 2011, friends Comments
Dinner was awful, Dear. MUSIC, RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongDecember 9, 2011Relationships, buddies, childrening, conversation, dads, food, forest, holiday, music, philosophizing, playlist, recommendations, stories that are true, MDL, Countess Becca, 2011, parents and children Comments
It's a clean pile, mostly. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongJanuary 8, 2011Householding, Joseph Ivan Long, Video, a snippet of life, philosophizing, MDL, education and learning, 2011, Countess Becca Comment
Let them be there. RELATIONSHIPS, PHOTOGRAPHJoseph LongJuly 22, 2010siblings, Love, photograph, 2010, MDL, JXIL, 00-01 year old, 03 years oldComment
More moon. RELATIONSHIPSJosephLongAugust 11, 2009MDL, grandparents, Chief, 2009, sleeping, 02 years oldComment