OVERHEARD. JosephLongApril 2, 20142014, conversations, food, gross, siblings, MDL, 03 years old, 06 years oldComment
Punchline of Unkie Metal Bobby. JosephLongNovember 5, 20072007, Bobby Becraft, Family, Friends, Joseph Ivan Long, a portrait, early childhood development, gross, music, photos, uncles, MDL, 00-01 year oldComment
Vomitus Exitus JosephLongOctober 2, 20072007, Countess Becca, a portrait, early childhood development, gross, moms, MDL, photos, 00-01 year oldComment
What goes in. JosephLongSeptember 5, 20072007, Joseph Ivan Long, childrening, dads, gross, music, philosophizing, MDL, gender and identity, photos, quotes, 00-01 year oldComment