Why I use the number 44.

Why do I use the number 44 for so many things?

I have various series I start with that number:

44 Automobiles
44 Shopping Carts
44 Pacific Northwest Places

I guess the simple and incomplete answer is this:

It is an arbitrary number (one of my very favourites - have a thing for  Eleven & its multiples :) that I use to organize my various thematic collections around.

It is enormously helpful to me in providing a structure and an ending point. It is both a literal and a figurative construct. When I have 44 completed pieces (essays, drawings, photographs, etc) I consider that body of work complete...or at least complete as a "Volume 1" :)

Young blurry girl running through the forest in Washougal

For example, now that I have 44 images in # 44portland series, I am assembling them into a little book to print, as well as designing a poster based in a montage grid of those 44 IG photographs.

It is a structural device that helps me organize some of my ideas that would otherwise get out of hand and go on ad infinitum :) I have no ownership over a number, so 44  is accessible to all...but I would recommend choosing a favourite number and making it your own!