My wife and William Wallace. JosephLongMay 14, 2017Countess Becca, Mother's Day, Relationships, animals, birthday, momsComment
Mother's Day 2014. PARENTINGJosephLongMay 11, 20141978, 2014, Joseph Ivan Long, Mother's Day, People I Admire, Sue, holiday, moms, photos, 02 years old, competitionComment
Mother’s Day. JosephLongMay 12, 20131972, 2013, Chief, Countess Becca, Greatest Song Ever, Mother's Day, Nutter, Relationships, Sue, VN, a moment, a portrait, grandparents, moms, music, photograph, recommendationsComment
Mother's Day well wishes (an open letter to my wife). Joseph LongMay 13, 20122012, Mother's Day, Countess Becca, letters to my wife, What's in a Name?Comment